The “ethnocentric” in the title is coded language¹. It was triggered by a paper² I just stumbled over but is the product of by now over two decades of observation (and, to be fair, festering resentment).

I bring attention to a key phrase in the conclusion of this otherwise meandering and unclear paper:

Thus, we suggest that policymakers in China consider emphasizing more on the reciprocity benefits and build a collaborative effort across the scientific community.

What. A. Coincidence.

A study published in the (western) journal³ Humanities and Social Sciences Communications comes to the conclusion that the Chinese government needs to emphasize the benefits of open data sharing.

Yet the very same culture that preaches loudly “open data sharing” and other such nigh-utopian ideals, in a stunning example of “do what I say, not what I do” also practices the precise opposite. For example the Chinese are specifically barred from cooperation in space ventures⁴ with anything that NASA is affiliated with (which is, essentially, all space ventures and most such conferences).

This is not, however, just the USA and just China. Canada (my nation of citizenship), for example, routinely issues thundering condemnation of any nation that treats indigenous peoples badly (unless that nation is aligned with Canada, in which case Japan’s treatment of the Ainu and Taiwan’s treatment of their assorted indigenous groups gets passed over with an embarrassed cough) while it treats its own indigenous peoples in ways that are positively shocking even to this day, despite the facade of rapprochement. (Keep in mind that the last of Canada’s horrific residential schools was closed in 1997—I was 31 years old at the time!—and that in Canada being a native means you are not a “visible minority”, a term fraught with its own weird baggage.)

And you’ll find similar ethnocentric, hypocritical bullshit all over the west, even down to all the (well-deserved!) official condemnation of Hamas over the October 2023 attacks while standing by in embarrassed silence as Israel commits open genocide both in and out of Gaza starting well before October 2023 and continuing to this day.

So… My current view is that western powers are a large collection of hypocritical twats whose views can and should be safely ignored by other peoples of the world as far as is possible when so many (chiefly) American guns and bombs are pointed at them threateningly.

Change my view.

¹ Decoding it: “white supremacist”.


³ Yes the primary authors are Chinese in Chinese universities. There are reasons for this.

⁴ The fact that this has backfired, both directly and indirectly, on the USA multiple times is a never-ending source of amusement to me.

    1 month ago

    To some extent, sure. But “The West” is demonstrably less ethnocentric than China. I have literally been told that I cannot check into a hotel *in Shanghai* unless my Chinese wife is with me. This is not a one-off occurrence, and it gets way worse the farther you get from urban China.

    • I’ve lived in China since 2001. Let’s just say that I find your story “dubious” and leave it at that. There used to be a distinction between hotels for foreigners and hotels for locals, but this had nothing to do with ethnocentrism and everything to do with facility quality. These distinctions were removed well over a decade ago, so unless this purported incident happened, like, 15 years ago, I’m calling bullshit.

        1 month ago

        And I’m calling bullshit on your little party line. This practice of turning away foreigners is rampant and there is a ton written about it all over the internet.