• “You just don’t care enough about it”
    • “Just use a planner, what’s so hard about it?”
    • “Write a to-do list”
    • “You have to actively want to remember. If you don’t give a shit, of course you will forget it!”
    • “You just need to try harder.”
    • “Stop getting distracted so easily.”
    • “You’re just lazy.”
    • “Can’t you just sit still for once?”
    • “Everyone procrastinates, you’re not special.”
    • “You need to stop being so impulsive.”
    • “Why can’t you just focus?”
    • “Your problem is a lack of discipline.”

    And my absolute favorite which someone actually said to me:

    “All of your problems stem from not living your life in a rational way.”

    These people live life on easy mode and look down on us who never had a chance to practice and were thrown into insane mode right from the start.