• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • zaros@zaros.clubtoMemes@lemmy.mlIt all makes sense now
    1 year ago

    I do this all the time, although admittedly not when speaking to others… It’s useful for problem-solving if one gets stuck, a little while of no thinking clears the board and allows thoughts to again wander new paths. It’s also useful for preventing headaches from muscle tension!

  • En nyt ole aikoihin asiaa seurannut, mutta enköhän jotain muista…

    Noh, johdosta tietenkin kaikenlaisia kyseenalaisia keskusteluita kaivettu esiin, jotain podcastin tyyppisiä. Lucien Greavesilta hyvin rasistisia kommentteja löytyy runsaasti, joskus kävin kuuntelemassa niitä ja melko inhottavaa tavaraa kyllä ovat. Toinen perustaja Malcolm Jarry sen sijaan yritti aiemmin tehdä itsestään messiaan jollekin kargokultille Vanuatussa, ja sitten tehdä siitä dokumenttia. Eettisesti hieman arveluttavaa.

    Toiminnasta muistuu mieleen ainakin ne SLAPP oikeusjutut, joilla ex-jäseniä yms. ovat yrittäneet hiljentää. Rahat näihin hyvinkin mahdollisesti tullut lahjoituksista, kun eivät erityisen hyvin kerro mihin ne rahat oikeastaan menevät. TST oli voittoa tavoittelematon, mutta siellä on toinen voittoa tekevä firmamikälie taustalla, johon lahjoituksia on myös ohjattu. Aika iso osuus on varmasti päätynyt perustajien taskuun (veteraanipatsaan tapauksessa Greaves muistaakseni otti neljäsosan rahoista ja kolmasosan kohdetta ei kerrottu, mutten nyt pikaisella haulla löydä siitä juttua joten saatan muistaa väärinkin). Niin ja kaikenlaisia harhaanjohtavia väitteitä siitä miten he muka voivat auttaa ihmisiä saamaan abortteja, tai siitä miten he mukamas voittivat jotain oikeudessa ja ottavat siitä kunnian, vaikka oikeusjutun oli hoitanut ja voittanut muu taho. Vähemmän vakavia valheellisia väitteitä ovat julkaisseet myös Church of Satanista, mutta se nyt menee enemmän satanistien sisäisen riitelyn puolelle.

    QueerSatanic on koonnut kaikenlaista artikkeleihin. Oli ollut jotain seksuaalista häirintää, josta tehdyt kantelut oli jätetty huomiotta. Sitten, kun siitä oli yritetty julkisesti puhua, potkittiin ulos TST:stä ja SLAPP oikeusjuttu käyntiin. Asian huonosti käsittelemisessä ei nyt ole mitään uutta, sitähän tekee isot organisaatiot/kirkot/firmat kaiken aikaa, mutta nuo oikeusjutut on aika inhottavia. Church of Satanillahan oli kans aikoinaan paikallisia seurakuntia (grottoja), mutta luopuivat niistä sukkelaan, kun niistä oli enemmän harmia ja vaivaa kuin hyötyä.

  • One thing that might not be obvious is that the All feed is different too, as it only shows posts from communities someone on the instance has subscribed to. But since there are ways to search communities across instances, it isn’t really a big deal. Unless you’re on an instance of one or two people maybe.

    Federation and moderation are probably where the instance matters most. Also, the matter of who runs the instance is kind of important considering stability and longevity of the instance. (mine for example will probably be gone within a month once I break something)

  • The package managers are actually a huge upgrade, at least in my opinion. I was always annoyed having to hunt for the right site for the right installer, now I can just search and install with a command without even opening a browser. But the biggest benefit is the updating. One command to update everything is so handy, one command and all my applications and drivers are updated just like that. But there is the issue of many programs simply not supporting Linux. For those you’ll sadly have to find replacements or workarounds.

    If you want to get rid of Grub instead of what others have suggested, you could try booting into Windows and look for “advanced startup” and do a startup repair from there. That might destroy Grub and replace it with Windows bootloader again. If it works, your Linux stuff will remain on the drive, but Windows will boot like before. (you can easily reformat the HDD drive from Windows afterwards to use it for storage)

    Some of my personal tips for moving to Linux:

    1. It’s not Windows. Don’t expect things to work the same way. Trying to force Windows approach often leads to a lot of problems.
    2. Watch Youtube videos about Linux. (terminal, package managers, desktop environments, distros, gaming, program replacements, whatever) This will help a ton to get a better grasp on why things work the way they do and what the benefits are.
    3. Remember that in Linux you have a lot of options. Distro hopping can be useful early on to see different options/customizations. Then you can pick the things you like later.
    4. Avoid graphical appstores. I’ve yet to have a positive experience with them. Terminal is much more reliable and simple.
    5. Try out Arch Linux too, if you have the patience. It’s not as difficult as people often make it seem, and installing it yourself is very educational compared to the easier automated installers. AUR for installing programs might also be to your liking more than how Debian based distros do things.
    6. Learn how to troubleshoot yourself. Learn to search the web for solutions. If you’re having an issue, it’s likely someone else has had the same issue before.

  • zaros@zaros.clubtoMemes@lemmy.mlskill
    1 year ago

    Oh definitely! They didn’t really have any direction for story early on, but with Mahjarrat storylines that began to change. Then they began to weave all the different stories together into a coherent world with surprising success.

    I’d say in 2011-2013 the story really started to kick off. Gods for example were turned from simple good-evil entities into actually interesting characters representing different ideologies and philosophies.

    Unlike some other MMOs, RS doesn’t have voice acting (for the most part), which allows them to write a lot more dialogue. For example Azzanadra’s Quest alone has ~25 000 words of dialogue. You can probably imagine how much lore a 20-year-old game like that can contain!

  • zaros@zaros.clubtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldTHIS IS BEYOND REAL
    1 year ago

    I do this to myself and then get disappointed 20min later.

    “Nah, surely they wouldn’t make it that obvious, that would be downright bad writing… More clues, they must be trying to lead me astray and then surprise me with a better twist! Oh, it really was just the obvious one… Hmm.”