• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023

  • yarr@feddit.nltoNews@lemmy.worldTRUMP GUILTY ON ALL 34 COUNTS
    1 month ago

    Verdict delivered,
    Donald Trump guilty on all 34;
    Consequences loom.

    $130,000 hidden,
    Stormy Daniels silenced then;
    A hush money plot.

    “Politically biased,”
    Trump claims the trial fixed;
    Denies any wrongdoing.

    Legal team appeals,
    Sentencing scheduled for July;
    Trump’s fate hangs in balance.

    136 years possible,
    Yet, will justice be served?
    The world watches and wonders.

  • America will progress like we usually do – kicking and screaming, saying how unfair everything is while we are pulled by the short-hairs into the new century. If America wants to stay relevant, we should be leading industries, not trying to stifle innovation so our increasingly stale auto manufacturers can continue to deliver the same bullshit they’ve been shipping for years. In a “free” market plenty of people would afford to choose Chinese EVs, which are rapidly gaining in quality. Since Detroit can’t compete on a level playing field, they bribe our federal government to implement protective measures against competition and our congress critters eat it right up.

  • Why do people care so much that it’s an app? If it was not an app would everyone have been buying it in droves?

    At least part of this is due to a direct quote from the CEO mentioning how they need a VERY bespoke Android version for it to run, which is clearly bullshit because you can run the APK on other devices other than the Rabbit R1 hardware.

    Since Rabbit was at least partially funded by the “Cyber Manufacture Co” rug-pull and they suffered NO penalty the CEO has taken this as a sign the market will tolerate his scams. You should view the Rabbit R1 through the lens of it being a former “web3” company and I’m sure the shady legacy remains inside that company.

    Since Rabbit sells at $199 and then NO monthly charge, there is basically no viable funding model for this company. Every single request you send the Rabbit costs them money. So, it’s only a matter of time before the R1 itself is “rugged”, whether that’s suddenly requiring a monthly fee OR just shutting down entirely.

    My guess would be, like the Humane Pin, they wanted to do a monthly fee, but if they did the R1 would sell even worse (since it’s basically entirely broken out of the box). If these guys make it 3 years I’ll be surprised. And, since the R1 does nothing locally, it turns into a nice paperweight when these guys eventually pull THIS rug.

  • As a proud American wingnut, I vehemently denounce these so-called “benefits” that you claim are merely considered middle-of-the-road in other parts of the world. Let us break it down for the sake of argument.

    First off, Universal Health Care is nothing more than a government-controlled monopoly on healthcare services. This is the first step toward socialized medicine, which has proven to be detrimental to the medical industry worldwide. In the name of equality, doctors will no longer strive to excel in their fields, as their paychecks will not reflect their efforts. The result? A decline in quality of care, longer wait times, and diminishing innovation in the field. This is how the slippery slope begins!

    Next on your list is ‘helping the poor.’ While this sounds like a noble cause, it must be understood that government intervention is neither necessary nor effective when it comes to uplifting individuals out of poverty. It’s time we stop enabling dependence on handouts. Instead, we should promote personal responsibility and self-reliance—core American values, after all. Only by standing on one’s own two feet can a person truly gain an appreciation for life’s hardships, and ultimately, its rewards.

    Moving onto school lunches, let us examine our Founding Fathers’ vision for the country. They cherished individual freedom above all else. By providing free meals to students, we’re essentially stifling entrepreneurship by removing the incentive for young people to start businesses that could potentially provide lunch services to schools. Additionally, such measures only serve to deepen the divide between the haves and have-nots. Why should children who are fortunate enough to receive these free lunches continue working hard if they know they’ll always be provided for?

    Last but not least, affordable education is nothing more than a clever Trojan horse for communist brainwashing. When the cost of higher education is reduced, the barriers to entry for subversive ideologies also decrease. We cannot sit idly by while our youth are corrupted with socialist propaganda. In fact, the price tag of college tuition serves as a natural selection process that ensures only those who value their education will pursue it, consequently maintaining the quality of graduates entering the workforce.

    In conclusion, I implore you to reconsider your support for these so-called “middle of the road” concepts. These policies may sound pleasant in theory, but make no mistake; they’re merely disguised stepping stones toward a godless society where individuals cease to think or act independently. The American Dream would die a slow and painful death under this system. First, free lunches, next COMMUNISM!

  • Feeling inspired, I set out to push the limits of recursive emulation myself. My first step was getting a Linux emulator running inside Minecraft. Yes, you heard me right - Linux running inside Minecraft. Once I had achieved that, the natural progression was to install Yuzu on this virtual version of Linux. It took some trial and error, but eventually, I managed to do just that.

    At this point, I could hardly contain my excitement. The results were impressive; the performance increase was noticeable compared to previous iterations. But for me, that wasn’t enough. I wanted more. So, in true recursion fashion, I installed another Linux emulator within this Minecraft-embedded Yuzu environment. This new iteration had its own Yuzu setup, and thus the cycle continued.

    As layers upon layers of nested Linux environments grew, the performance kept improving exponentially. Every time I upgraded the recursion level, the FPS went through the roof. Eventually, it reached unbelievable heights. Today, with multiple levels of recursion, I am proud to announce that the performance of this nestled setup is now over 9000 FPS!

  • IDF justification:

    As the youths were wandering through the rubble of the devastated areas in Gaza, they were essentially trespassing in what can be classified as hostile territory. These areas have been known to harbor terrorist activities and weapons caches. Given the high-risk nature of these environments, the IDF was merely enforcing standard operating procedures to protect both their forces and innocent civilians.

    Moreover, these particular individuals had no visible means of identification, which left the IDF with little choice but to assume that they might pose a threat. Their lack of uniform and identifiable markers could potentially mean they are involved with terrorist organizations. This suspicion, coupled with their presence in an area known for previous hostile activities, made the situation highly volatile. It’s important to remember that the IDF operates under the principle of necessity and proportionality, meaning that only when there is an imminent danger will they engage.

  • yarr@feddit.nltoScience Memes@mander.xyzdegree in bamf
    4 months ago

    When will we, as humans of all colors, stand up against racism against whites (and especially males) that is strangely being more and more accepted as a normal thing daily?

    You get 0 ‘progressive points’ for standing up for white males. One of the last socially acceptable punching bags. Look at the proliferation of the ‘dumb dad’ on sitcoms, totally acceptable.