• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • From the video description:

    In this riveting episode of **UAP STUDIES Podcast**, we delve deep into the mysteries surrounding Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) and the profound impact they have on humanity. Our host takes you on an exploratory journey into the intricate complexities of this enigmatic phenomenon, leaving no stone unturned.

    Meet Omar Lara, a distinguished 10-year U.S. Navy Veteran, whose life was forever altered during his service onboard the U.S.S. Nimitz in 2004. Omar shares a chilling encounter he had with a UAP, an event that occurred just days after the now-famous “Tic Tac incident” in 2017. His story is not only compelling but also instrumental in shaping the current UAP disclosure movement.

    Join us as Omar Lara bravely opens up about the astonishing details of his sighting and the reasons behind his recent decision to speak out about his extraordinary experience while on duty. Discover how encounters like Omar’s are pushing the boundaries of our understanding of the cosmos and raising profound questions about our place in the universe.

    Don’t miss this episode that promises to unravel the secrets of UAPs and illuminate the human quest to comprehend the unexplained. Tune in for an eye-opening discussion that will leave you questioning the boundaries of our reality.
    /hashtag/ussnimitz /hashtag/tictac /hashtag/witness

    Original Upload: 07/05/22
    UAP STUDIES Podcast is your source for science and fact-based discussions with the biggest names in UFOlogy, discussing topics such as; The UFO/UAP phenomenon, Military witness testimonies, the alien abduction phenomenon, Government disclosure, whistleblowers,  quantum physics, close encounters and so much more!

    UAP STUDIES Podcast is a distinguished podcast that stands as the foremost authority in the realm of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena studies and brings together a diverse array of professionals including scientists, military personnel, reporters, investigators, and researchers hailing from every corner of the world. Canadian Ufologist/ Researcher Jason Guillemette and the distinguished Dr. Michael Glawson, (S.C.U.) Together, they lead this unique podcast, ushering you into the world of UAP with an unparalleled commitment to professionalism and rigour.

    For those in a hurry: 9m mark.

  • From the video description:

    On The Good Trouble Show (#TGTS), astronomer Dr. Beatriz Villarroeal joins us to discuss the recently discovered telescope astronomical plates that could offer proof of the famous UFO flap 1952 over Washington, DC, along with the former head of Harvard Astronomy Dr. Donald Menzel who destroyed astronomical plates that could have held UFO evidence. It was later discovered Donald Menzel also worked for the NSA. Dr. Villaroel presented at The Sol Foundation symposium last year on UFOs / UAPs and the scientific search for them. Her interview for this podcast will also reveal news on VASCO and the European Crash Retrieval Initiative.

  • Even though it’s been out since feb 27, I just found it today.

    From the video description:

    Since she first entered the basement [‘the basement’ is a reference to the name of this youtube channel] in 2021 to tell us about her experience of the Pentyrch UFO Incident, Caz Clarke been hard at work trying to get to the bottom of the subsequent coverup. Incensed that the military would lie in wait days before the UFOs appeared and then immediately attack them, possibly putting all of humanity at risk without any public discourse, she has filed dozens of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to get answers. Nobody who listens to this interview will doubt that something strange is afoot, given the responses she received to her government inquiries. Thanks to Caz and team’s efforts, the Pentyrch UFO Incident might just be the best documented UFO coverup in history.

    To me that’s an astounding testimony with plenty of documentation.

  • I think similarly. I also have a feeling that many (but probably not all) exotic craft are more like our earth skateboards, so we won’t find any engines on them. I feel in many cases the occupants move these things around with their minds. The craft just forms a protective barrier, and maybe enhances the mind’s function, or something like that.

    In any case we need to be careful with our assumptions. Of course we want to find the engine as the first priority, but what if they don’t have and don’t need engines? Who knows.

  • What are we even looking at?

    If it’s a cloaked device I expect to bump into it if I attempt to occupy the same space as it.

    If it’s a device that’s out of phase, I will pass through it without bumping into it.

    If it’s not a device at all, but is a natural organism that’s always been just outside our umwelt (subjective surroundings, subjective world), then that’s something completely different again.

    All of the above, and maybe more, can conceivably look the same to our infrared and visual sensors.

    Obviously something is going on, and it’s interesting, and we need to investigate further and exercise the highest level of discernment we can muster at this time.

  • Of course. The media is willfully ignoring this issue because of a) the potential for ontological upset, and b) no profit-oriented upside. Most of the MSM is owned by one of the 6 giant corporations. For these people the status quo has worked phenomenally well. The UFO issue threatens to destabilize the status quo. For those who are hanging onto the status quo with a white-knuckled grip, the UFO issue is a huge risk at best, and an apocalypse at the worst.

    Thanks to the efforts of a lot of people on the ground and also inside the deep state, the issue is no longer possible to ignore. But the MSM likely will do absolute minimum for the disclosure. So the MSM isn’t going to and cannot completely ignore this issue. The MSM will participate conservatively in order to continue to attempt narrative control.

    So if disclosure is unavoidable (pssst: it is in fact unavoidable), the billionaires and their minions will spin the disclosure in the least damaging, least disruptive for them way. But of course they will also pretend nothing is going on as long as possible because they serve their own interests, not mine or yours. They wanna keep things stable and same-y. It’s pretty simple.

  • From the video description:

    Chris Sharp of The Liberation Times, @liberationtimes,   will release new news on the UFOs that swarmed Langley Air Force Base Virginia in December 2023 on May 11th at 12 Noon Pacific. We will cover this breaking story, but that’s not all, Jonathan Butner is here with us, live, to discuss the UFO / UAP event he witnessed over Langley and the videos of the UAPs / UFOs that The United States Air Force is blaming on drones that forced the relocation of the Langley F-22 fighter wing.  Our friend Ross Coulthart from @NewsNation covered this event recently on his show Reality Check.  Members of Congress are asking questions while The Pentagon and The United States Air Force continue to cover up the event.

    That’s from Matt Ford’s “The Good Trouble Show.”

  • willington@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoPrivacy@lemmy.mlGot annoyed by my gym
    5 months ago

    The only thing I want that a gym might have is a pull up bar. Other than that, two kettlebells plus cals plus running give me more than enough challenge. Gymnastics rings on a long belt plus a sturdy tree branch can stand in for a pull up bar.

    Unless you are a pro and need access to a climbing gym, which is very hard to completely replace without a trip to a boulder, gyms are rip offs.

    I exercise on and off all my life, with at least 20 exercising years. I did college gyms, ymca, paid gyms, and once even a bona fide body building club with a proper hulking ph. d. as a trainer. I have plenty of experience with many modalities.

    My two cents, look into advanced cals, and running, and look up “dynamic tension” by Charles Atlas, and screw the gym. If you can, add some kettlebells and a pull up bar. With dynamic tension you can do pulling movements without a pull up bar.

  • www.popularmechanics.com

    Crows Are Self-Aware Just Like Humans, And They May Be as Smart as Gorillas

    Caroline Delbert

    5 - 6 minutes

    • In a 2020 study, crows performed a complex task that involved hundreds of firing sensory analytical neurons.
    • Crows can do jobs, share knowledge, and even ritualistically mourn their dead.
    • Recent research suggests crow brains tightly pack neurons to help make them smart.

    Crows are extremely intelligent. They can use tools to get what they want, like New Caledonian crows in a single South Pacific island of the same name, which shape twigs into hooks to catch grubs from rotting logs. And according to new research, crows are even smarter than we thought.

    ****Crows and other corvids (a family of birds that includes ravens and magpies) “know what they know and can ponder the content of their own minds,” according to a 2020 study in Science**. **This is considered a cornerstone of self-awareness and shared by just a handful of animal species beside humans, such as monkeys and great apes. Crows can also use their complex brains to find creative solutions, such as dropping nuts on the road so passing cars can crack them open, for example.

    But do they have true consciousness?

    Crows Have Brains Packed With Neurons

    The ability to think through a problem and work out an answer may be due to crows possessing a high number of brain cells that process information. This trait appears not only in humans, but in non-human primates, too. A study published in the Journal of Comparative Neurology in January 2022 comparing corvid brains with those of chickens, pigeons, and ostriches found that corvid brains have more tightly packed neurons—between 200 and 300 million neurons per hemisphere—enabling efficient communication between the brain cells. Crow intelligence is at least on par with some monkeys, and in fact, may be closer to that of great apes (like gorillas), according to a 2017 study published in Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences.

    Evolution Gave Crows Great Ability to Reason

    In the 2020 study, scientists put crows through a series of puzzling tasks. The researchers measured neural activity in different kinds of neurons with the goal of tracking how crows were sensing and reasoning through their work. They sought to study a specific kind of thinking, called sensory consciousness, and they chose birds in particular as representative of a branching point in the evolutionary tree of life. The task is simple, but involves some high-level brain stuff, as described in the study:

    After the crow initiated a trial … a brief visual stimulus of variable intensity appeared… After a delay period, a rule cue informed the crow how to respond if it had seen or had not seen the stimulus. [A] red cue required a response for stimulus detection (“yes”), whereas a blue cue prohibited a response for stimulus detection.

    The researchers write that sensory consciousness is the ability to have subjective experiences that can be “explicitly accessed and thus reported,” and that it comes from brains that have evolved over time. Consciousness is associated primarily with the primate cerebral cortex. Bird brains are different, “since they diverged from the mammalian lineage 320 million years ago,” the researchers write.

    However, the crows performed in a way that affirms their sensory consciousness, which scientists in the 2020 study say could mean the “neural correlates of consciousness” date back to at least the last time birds and mammals shared that brain section:

    To reconcile sensory consciousness in birds and mammals, one scenario would postulate that birds and mammals inherited the trait of consciousness from their last-common ancestor. If true, this would date the evolution of consciousness back to at least 320 million years when reptiles and birds on the one hand, and mammals on the other hand, evolved from the last common stem-amniotic ancestor.

    In an analysis in the same issue of Science, another researcher, Suzana Herculano-Houzel of Vanderbilt University, makes a critique of the study’s hypothesis. The structure being studied, she says, could resemble another structure because of physical properties more than a shared evolution or an indication of extremely early consciousness. The size of the structures matter a great deal, too.

    “[T]he level of that complexity, and the extent to which new meanings and possibilities arise, should still scale with the number of units in the system,” Herculano-Houzel explains. “This would be analogous to the combined achievements of the human species when it consisted of just a few thousand individuals, versus the considerable achievements of 7 billion today.”

    Either way, crows have bird brains they can be proud of.

    Headshot of Caroline Delbert

    Caroline Delbert is a writer, avid reader, and contributing editor at Pop Mech. She’s also an enthusiast of just about everything. Her favorite topics include nuclear energy, cosmology, math of everyday things, and the philosophy of it all.

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