- talking to my european friends
- talking to my african friends
- talking to my asian friends
- talking to my south american friends
- talking to my north american friends (exceptions apply)
- talking to my oceanian friends
- talking to my antarctican friends
Especially a minority of their own time. Moving houses doesn’t happen every day.
You decided to do that, you didn’t have to. Since the trailer was rented out, you could have just as well rented out a U-Haul truck.
A finch is is a unit I made up in my head to make sense of the weird customary system. It’s 4 inch (four inch -> finch) or rather 10 cm. Makes converting my instinctive scale to USian easier. It helps, that it’s also a plausible size of the finch bird.
I personally find peanut butter and jelly don’t work together at all. But I love a good open top bread slice with butter and jelly/jam. My favourites are quince, plum, raspberry and black current jam.
It’s missing Harambe somewhere, but great so far
The tides are not an indicator for the health of a body of water. They just move it back and forth.
My hypothesis: the planets affect which nostril you can breathe through this night.
The free will is more about choosing to follow god or not. So if everything god does is good and everything they want you to do is good, you have no choice but to do those things. So you live in a perfect world but are a puppet.
Is that 15 weeks of minimum wage or 15 months?
Not a native speaker, but I think you ask for the subject with ‘who’ (“Who did this?”) and ask for the object with ‘whom’ (“To whom was it done?”).
Anyways, owl set blud up man
Robots or any part of an automated production line with a camera typically has a light as well to either see in low light conditions or to ensure it always sees with a similar amount of light hitting the lense.
I don’t think he knows about second Beschaffung…
It’s harder to pick up broken or shorter spaghetti with a fork. If you break them up real small and make chicken noodle soup that you eat with a spoon - that’s fine. Italians do that as well.
Do you mean physical touch?
Someone’s read Sartre’s Huis Clos ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)
You are correct. Stuff like this can be funny in the correct context like “2westerneuropean4you” or similar. But anglos repeating it on and on is not only toxic and xenophobic, it’s also incredibly unfunny and uninspired.
victory always
Where are the dates of ww1?
Where are they?!
Or the polish soviet war, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan? The Russo Japanese war? The Russo British Crimea wars?
I sometimes use the alphabet method. When a conversation gets stuck I think of words starting with a and form a question from that.
Example : angler fish, amazon, aeroplane
-> do you like travelling? What’s your dream destination? Do you like the deep sea/ocean/swimming?