• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • We dont have much in the way of animals but we have birds. The Tui is common in suburban gardens here, but they are beautiful and even as a local I still like seeing them. Pukekos are everywhere but for those from the UK/ Europe/ USA they’re prett exotic. Down South, Wekas are absolutely everywhere outside the cities and will walk right into people’s homes - I once experienced coitus interruptus when a Weka jumped up on the bed I was in with a guy.

    When I was in South Africa I was super excited to see baboons, locally considered something of a nuisance. And in Queensland, Australia, the first time I saw an Australian white ibis, locally known as a bin chicken, the locals must have been very amused to see me chasing it with a camera getting photos

  • This thing of people running out of sick days just enrages me when there is an easy solution at hand - let those who have more sick leave then they can possibly use give it to those in need. I have currently got 46 days stored up, out of a maximum of 50, and in a few months I will be given my annual allocation of ten days, most of which will just spill over the top of the pot cos I cant have more than 50. I would love to be able to just give someone in OP’s situation 10-20 days, its not like I can ever see myself using them

    Some companies here do have a provision for this, I recall reading about an insurance company that lets employees like me donate some of their sick leave into a pool into which those in need can draw on when they run out. Great way to do it, everybody wins

  • Not in my experience there. It the only place I have ever been where you can be in a gas station/ convenience store late on a Saturday night in a less than flash area, and see a guy rock up dressed like Liberace and do his shopping and flounce off without anyone even batting an eyelid let alone commenting. You wouldnt try that here. Yes, there is a degree of conformity enforced there around behaviour by social pressure, but in other places it is by violence

  • I treat all the tech I own as tools or appliances, their aesthetics are of little interest to me, they are not status symbols, just a means to an end. So I look for the thing that will do the best job reliably at a reasonable cost, and keep doing so for years. I have a laptop that must be getting on for 8 years old, a phone in its fourth year. I use them until they wear out or become too difficult to use - my phone has several cracks on the screen, a few trim bits have fallen off my laptop, making it even lighter, and one of the USB ports has died. The TV in the lounge os over ten years old, the stereo dates from the late 90’s.

    I dont change anything until I have to - once I have something that just works I work it to death. I dont care about the whole Linux vs Windows thing, nor the IoS vs Android thing, its all about function and value for money. When it comes time to replace something I never buy the best, or the cheapest either, but something somewhere in the middle, good enough to do work fast but not the flagship product either.

    TLDR Its just a tool, treat it as one