Reddit sucks

  • 15 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 28th, 2024


  • Join city council meetings and tell your city to adopt Ranked Choice Voting. This is often done through city charter amendment. Find your local RCV group and support them. Educate people about RCV what RCV is and what it is not. Keep it non-partisan. You don’t have to vote for somebody you don’t want to. That is also engaging in politics whether you like it or not.

  • Your experience trying to get a hysterectomy is so frustrating. It’s a common story. People should be allowed to sterilize themselves if they want to, and I won’t get into this controversial opinion, but I think there are cases where we should forcibly sterilize people (NOT eugenics). An example being a man who impregnates a child.

    I appreciate your opinion on suicide and I’m truly sorry for the loss of your father.

    Like sexuality, I think if we’re going to keep gender around, and obviously it’s not going away any time soon, we need to make a much more fluid spectrum so people can more comfortably fit into society. Call everybody non-binary. Women can have penises for example, or men can have vaginas. Obviously social stigmas as well. You’re probably rolling your eyes thinking I missed or disregarded everything you’ve said, but I think this social shift would enable some people to be more comfortable being themselves and not have to diagnose themselves with dysphoria, and a small percentage of the rest of the population would have some other form of dysphoria in which they simply do not want to be in their body irrespective of gender.

  • I imagine you can understand that if you cannot explain how being trans relates to a cis person people will struggle with understanding each other. You say physicality and cultural spot, which are both not foreign to cis people. I spiritually don’t feel any gender, but I can’t imagine that you would be able to understand what a cis man feels spiritually in the same way I wouldn’t understand a trans woman. You have your own internal understanding of being a man and your own spiritual feelings of what being a man is, but how can you say what being a man is? How can anybody without introducing their own cultural ideas into it?

    Women do not feel alien to cis men. Maybe some, but not all. Aside from the physicality of my body, I feel more comfortable and feel more of a likeness around women than men often times, but I’m not trans. Your experience as a trans person couldn’t be the experience of a cis person, so how can you claim to know that you are a man?

    The self harm, suicidal ideation and hatred of your bodily functions must be influenced by not only your internal feelings but also the external society. If altering one’s physical appearance is so successful for gender dysphoria, then the physical nature and perception of oneself within society must override internal spiritual incongruences.

    Curious how you feel about suicidal people. If somebody is so unhappy with their existence that they want to kill themselves, no surgery nor adjustments to society will quell this deep internal dissatisfaction with themself, would you recommend they kill themselves? No wrong answer here. I presume you might feel that there are underlying issues causing their resentment towards existence. If you feel like killing yourself because you don’t want to get pregnant, that should just be an accepted state of mind because you are trans.

    I really should apologize here because my line of questioning must sound aggressive and dismissive, especially through text. I’m just intensely curious and eager to understand each other. I don’t believe this is possible, however, because we have a fundamental disagreement on gender. I truly appreciate the back and forth and hope I haven’t hurt you in any way. I support people doing whatever they feel is best for them, but I just fear that we are not addressing deeper issues and the fear of invalidating one’s experience (rightfully so) hinders our ability to solve these deeper issues as a whole society. Trans people cannot be entirely correct and knowledgeable about transness and its inner workings and cis people cannot be entirely wrong.

  • Your previous example and explanation of gender euphoria was based around an external perception of your gender and the consequent reward. Did I misunderstand?

    What are the innate ways that you feel the gender that you feel? And how would you get euphoria from this without external perception? I don’t think we feel or perceive gender, but rather universal human characteristics have been categorized into gender. A penis and a vagina are just body parts. Gender is merely one’s own creation. I don’t think wanting to have a penis is different than wanting to be taller. What you perceive as being a man, may not be what a cis man perceives as being a man, but neither is more accurate about being a man than the other.

    I believe there are more parallels of dysphoria between cis and trans people than we want to admit. Being transgender is not an entirely unique experience but a derivation of other types of dysphoria, depression and struggles with social conformity. If we understand that we can understand each other.

    I think people are afraid to express other types of transness or do not have the words to express what they feel yet. Even cis people do not understand themselves because they are just considered normal like you said.