• 10 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2025


  • Minimalism is really the way to go in a world that is obsessed with consumerism. I feel the word and idea of ‘Consumer’ is dirty because it dehumanizes someone, like capitalism only sees people as cattle with wallets. Only existing to buy, subscribe, buy, subscribe and buy. That’s not a life to live.

    I’ve been in homes of friends where they are messy with so much stuff, it’s hoarding, they don’t know what to do with it all and are isolated between not only mental illness but also attachment. It feels so wrong being in the middle of that.

    I’ve also been disgusted with myself for indulging on just filling my apartment with stuff. Buying things I think I’d like or find use in, but eventually ditching because I’m invalidating myself. I’m buying things for some form of validity, like as if someone is going to burst through the door and asking me questions about what I have so I can talk about them. Who the hell am I trying to impress? I live alone, by myself, no friends in my immediate location. Why am I getting things that ultimately do not matter?

    There’s an article I read awhile ago and I think this should be read by fellow minimalists It’s a practice I’ve been doing, because simply just cutting things cold turkey, has never worked for me. Because eventually old emotions linger back and old habits try to come back and I’ll fall into them again where I’m just spending money for the sake of spending money. It is best for people to take on the dissolving tactic to find some sense of closure before cleansing your surrounding and yourself from consumerism.

  • I’m in my mid-thirties and I know that I’m going to be not as marketable to people even 5 years younger than me. I have a soft spot for older people and have been attracted to those twenty or ten years from me. The conflicting part I keep approaching is that if I theoretically date one of them, they’re going to die before I will and I’m not sure I’m equipped to handle it when they get older and are going to need a lot of assistance. I mean if the love is strong enough, exceptions may be made but I’m still uncertain.

    Love can age like wine, but it varies from person to person.

    Obviously I’m going to find those 10 years younger than me attractive, but is it really because it’s their personality or because I’m wondering how they look without their clothes? Their personality would probably wind me down quick so it’s physical at this stage.