• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Disclosure I identify with the movement, hence bias

    Thing started off February 29 when Chris Kindred, the narrative designer at Sweet Baby Inc, a videogame consulting company, called for a mass report campaign against the steam curator group (and its owner) “Sweet Baby Inc Detected”, which exist to highlight steam games in which the company has some involvement. Chris called it a harrassment group and claimed that it breaks steam’s terms of service.

    This got a lot of eyes on the group which balooned in membership, right wingers/ old gamergaters latched onto it and I think it’s fair to say that this Sweet baby Inc detected group is the main Gamergate 2 community. As time goes on the movement isn’t just campaigning against this one company, but against many similiar consultation groups (Black Girl Gamers/Gaymers for example) and the concept of ESG funding in general.

  • I was always super interested in legendary equipment, so when I came back to the game after years away I just picked one weapon from the list, put it into gw2efficiency, expanded it’s required materials list and looked through it until I saw something that requires me to do content which I felt comfortable doing, like map completion or open world events. From there I naturally re-familiarized myself with the game as I kept working towards the legendary.

  • I know the devs have stated that they want the primary weapons to feel weak but I think they forgot to apply this balancing philosophy to the scorcher, breaker (+variants) and slugger. I use the scorcher myself just because it’s more versatile than the others in the top tier but if the game were better balanced I would have been spamming the plasma shotgun, it feels so fun to use but it performs like a direct downgrade to the scorcher

  • you’ve been able to fucking play it for a decade

    tech demo out = game is playable, unbeatable logic

    If they said they released it years ago and called these all “updates” you’d have nothing to bitch about

    It’s not about what the developers say the state of the game is, it’s about what’s actually out and playable - and for Star Citizen, last time I checked it’s some barebones version with one planet, bajillion missing features, 200000000$ ships and in general a buggy mess

    You star citizen fans are insufferable. I get spammed with these videos, ads and articles hyping up the game for being the best thing ever, always claiming the next update to be some gamechanger but it’s still the same unfinished garbage. Love how every time someone mentions the absolutely disgusting monetisation, it goes in one ear and out the other.

    Now get back to licking chris robert’s shoes, you’ve missed a spot

  • vasus@lemmy.worldtoGames@lemmy.worldSomething about The Finals
    4 months ago

    If you want to rant about GPU prices, why randomly call out one/two specific games? Not like it doesn’t apply to any other modern release. I don’t get this post

    Also I looked up some benchmarks and you can get 60FPS on medium with an RX 6600 (about 200 USD curently in the US) in both finals & helldivers. Could possibly get away with a cheaper card on Low settings

  • The numbers this game pulled during the nextfest have me on edge… it often took me 5 minutes to find a match even when there was just one playable mode and, I assume, no skill-based matchmaking.

    It’s gonna release for 20 USD, which I much prefer to the free to play model but at the same time I’m really not sure the game can launch into a stable population without that influx of free players

  • Tried to get into fighting games on a keyboard, could not perform any motion input after an hour of trying, not even a quartercircle. Finally looked it up online and realized you’re supposed to drag your finger across the keys, not tap them. Really embarassing

    Put like 20hrs into Borderlands 2, really wanted to like the game but I kept getting my teeth smashed in even though I watched guides, used a meta build, tried different characters etc. Then I tried multiplayer with some friends & observed one of them stop progressing to farm some unremarkable zone. After a while she got a specific legendary weapon and proceeded to instantly destroy everything for the next hour+. Finally realized I was approaching the game like it was a narrative FPS when in reality it’s an ARPG.

  • It’s an open world survival game where you wake up on the beach of a mysterious island and need to scavenge resouces, explore, build bases and tame monsters to fight for you. You send some of the caught monsters to work in your base, they generate resources which you use to make new equipment to fight and catch stronger pals, eventually reaching the point where you have a powerful team that can take on dungeons and bosses who you want to defeat for story reasons. I think the game’s strong points are the base automation and the variety of pals.

    It’s also got co-op and 32 player public servers