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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2023


  • I have the same thing. Sort of. I mean I don’t make the first move because of crippling social anxiety also, and I hate to say it, but it just gets worse when you get older.

    The only good thing is, as you get older you stop worrying about it as much. You develop a more “it is what it is” attitude about everything.

  • Is this really any sort of surprise to anybody? Of course electronic waste has grown to record levels, it’s just going to keep growing. Did people think it would just vanish on its own or something?

    I’m sure we set a new record for electronic waste disposal every day. And it is a problem because there aren’t landfills big enough to hold it all, or oceans large enough to dump it all into.

    Now they’ve found most people have some amount of plastic waste in their blood streams also. That’s just the way it is in the world we live in, we eat breathe, and literally ingest plastic and other indestructible waste all the time.

  • Homo sapien males are indisputably the most dangerous and idiotically unsound animals in nature. Men generally are petty and hate-filled, but giving them weapons only ensures that war, kidnapping, assault, school shootings, killing people at concert halls, and destroying entire nations is going to happen.

    Men were a mistake from the beginning - and whatever idiot god you choose to believe in is to blame. But the manufacturers of weapons are the ones who truly will burn in hell for helping men become even more rotten, corrupted, utterly filthy, and without redemption by any measure.