• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 20th, 2023


  • tokyo@lemmy.mltoTechnology@lemmy.worldWelcome to the Age of Paid Social Media
    10 months ago

    I live in a major city in the US and it’s definitely common place here. A lot of women justifiably don’t like giving out their personal number due to the number of bad experiences with men. By using IG instead, it provides a buffer.

    I have asked for and received numbers but most people typically offer some sort of social media first and then only share numbers after you’ve shown that you’re not a raging creep.

  • tokyo@lemmy.mltoTechnology@lemmy.worldWelcome to the Age of Paid Social Media
    10 months ago

    That’s because you’re just looking at the app. People use them to communicate with other people in different ways.

    For example if I meet a woman I like, it’s infinitely more socially acceptable to ask for her instagram than it is for her number after meeting.

    A lot of my family communicates on Facebook where they can share photos, watch and catch up with each other.

    Maybe you can just give up social media. I can too and I did. But for many it’s the only gateway connecting them to other people in a more than convenient way. There’s absolutely nothing sad about that.

    Some people are addicted, and it can be toxic for others but it’s utility is still incredible.

    Best case scenario, the Fediverse kicks off and becomes main stream enough to replace Meta products and others. Which is what I would love to see, personally speaking.

  • tokyo@lemmy.mltoTechnology@lemmy.worldWelcome to the Age of Paid Social Media
    10 months ago

    Genuine concern,

    How did people think stuff like this would be funded?

    I’m pretty anti corporation and capitalism, and pro open-source but this just sounds like regular inflammatory content.

    There seems to be a disconnect on the internet that everything should be completely free, ignoring all the costs that go into setting up websites and web applications.

    The money for it has to come from somewhere. If you want to protect your privacy (which you should) then you’d be better off paying for services like that than not. It’s been circlejerked to death but: If it’s free, you’re the product.

    Even Lemmy is not immune. Sure it’s FOSS, but it’s not free to host. Someone has to pay for servers, data, web domains and more.

    No matter what you do, if you want access to social media you’re going to have to shell out some cash, somewhere.

    Edit: I might get the eventual “oh they’re going to make you pay AND still sell your data so why should you pay?” You don’t. You put your money elsewhere if you were even considering paying. Invest in Lemmy and the Fediverse. Invest in your local server. There’s plenty more options.

  • This is almost what I want. I looked into it and you can follow from mastodon, but it just gives a post title and a link. That’s probably because it’s a full blogging architecture. I don’t imagine users would want to have to click a link for a short bit of information.

    If they could be married in some way, it would probably be perfect.

  • The context that I am thinking of is say some sort of authority that previously used twitter to disseminate information.

    For example @UN_NERV@unnerv.jp on mastodon is used as an earthquake warning service. I don’t really see any direct interactions on their masto, but they have 20k followers and is obviously a useful service.

    I’d imagine that others might consider using Mastodon in a similar way, but they don’t because you have to manage an entire server and take care to remove unwanted content that was downloaded locally.

    I think it could draw in both more users and corporations if there was a one way flow of information. Many people used twitter for news updates and more and I feel like mastodon could replace that.

    If it was stupid easy to set up a broadcasting service on mastodon like that, that are opt-in by default could benefit many.

    It might be over-engineering with the presence of RSS feeds and such but, if something could be tightly integrated with Mastodon to achieve the same goal of easily disseminating information to various servers, it would draw both users and companies.

  • tokyo@lemmy.mltoChatGPT@lemmy.worldBruh
    10 months ago

    “How do I track what my dog is doing online, using a webcam” is probably how it is being interpreted.

    That is because the question was structured a little bit awkwardly and AI isn’t smart enough to understand the question’s real intent.

    It boils down to using grammar effectively. I would try something like: “How do I use a webcam to remotely monitor my dog” or something along those lines.

    For what it’s worth, learning to restructure questions into more concise statements also really helps you get better results from search engines.

    Edit* some proofreading and fixes

  • Curious, but do you know about the song that slows down time?

    The reset is annoying but I usually have a few goals based on what time an event starts each cycle.

    To restock on supplies I go right outside of clock town and roll around in the grass as a Goron which replenishes most things pretty quickly.

    All in all I get not liking it though. It can be both fun and incredibly tedious. I’ve probably beaten it two or three times in my lifetime compared to OOT which I’ve beaten easily over a dozen times