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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • timconspicuous@lemmy.mltoDeutschland@feddit.deWahlentscheidungshilfe
    6 months ago

    Bei der Europawahl habe ich erneut vor aus Überzeugung MERA25 zu wählen, die Partei des ehemaligen griechischen Finanzministers Yanis Varoufakis. Wird aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach an der 2%-Hürde scheitern, aber gerade was “die Grünen nicht grün genug, die Linken nicht links genug” angeht, fühle ich vertritt MERA25 am besten meine Positionen.

  • If you want your timeline to be just a chronological timeline, you can also subscribe to that feed and delete all others. Bluesky isn’t Threads, no one is forcing any algorithm on you that you don’t want, this is part of the decentralized nature of Bluesky.

    Also, I don’t think there is a clear line between “algorithmic” and “non-algorithmic” social media. If you use Mastodon with the Mammoth app and its “For You” feed, is it algorithmic or non-algorithmic? If I sort my Lemmy timeline by “hot”, do I not use an algorithm?

  • You are correct, however I want to point out they have stated they want to hand over the governance of the protocol to a standards organization like the Internet Engineering Task Force:

    Development of atproto to date has been driven by a single company, Bluesky PBC. Once the network opens to federation, protocol changes and improvements will still be necessary, but will impact multiple organizations, communities, and individuals, each with separate priorities and development interests. If the protocol is successful, there certainly will be disagreements and competitive tensions at play. Having a single company controlling the protocol will not work long-term.

    The plan is to bring development and governance of the protocol itself to an established standards body around the time the network opens to federation. Our current hope is to bring this work to the IETF, likely as a new working group, which would probably be a multi-year process. If the IETF does not work out as a home, we will try again with other bodies. While existing work can be proposed exactly “as-is", it is common to have some evolution and breaking changes come out of the standardization processes.


  • Bin seit November auf Mastodon und seit Juli auf Bluesky und bin auch total erstaunt über den rasanten Zuwachs von deutschen Usern auf der letzteren Plattform. Muss sagen, für mich kommt das alles wie eine verpasste Chance für das Fediverse vor. Wenn man Anfang des Jahres besser aufgestellt wäre und das onboarding von Twitter-Usern besser geklappt hätte, hätte man sich den Bluesky-Spuk vielleicht sparen können.

    Sich jetzt selbstgefällig auf die Schulter klopfen und sich sagen man sei auf der besseren Plattform und man müsse nur warten bis Bluesky auch implodiert, finde ich wenig hilfreich. Da werden stinknormale Bluesky-User als ahnungslose toxische clout sharks geschmäht, statt dass man sich nicht mal selbst an die Nase fasst und überlegt wie man Normalos das onboarding auf Mastodon hätte erleichtern können.

    Aber manchmal kommt mir auch Rochkos Vision für Mastodon etwas zu rigide vor: wie lange man sich gegen Text-Suche gesträubt hat, ist da symptomatisch. Hoffe in Zukunft ist die Plattform attraktiver für alle Arten von User.

  • Sorry for interloping as a new lemmy.ml user – I wanted to share my perspective because I was one of the very early adopters of hexbear (then called chapo.chat) after the ChapoTrapHouse subreddit got banned. I no longer have an account there because despite the mods best efforts to uphold “left unity”, I at best felt tolerated as an anarchist and just stopped browsing eventually. The reddit strike coinciding with hexbear federating convinced me to create a lemmy account to maybe reconnect with some of the communities there.

    The great strength of the old subreddit was that it was a safe haven for leftists of all flavors, practically the first of its kind as comparable places like /r/DankLeft did not exist yet. After a few years of relative isolation, I think it’s fair to say that hexbear has become more staunchly ideological (and I’m sure some would say for better) and at least to me it lost some of its more broad appeal. My hope for federation was to see some of the more calcified beliefs over there shaken up a bit with an influx of new users. I guess it’s also fair to say that that hasn’t happened yet, but it’s only been a few days so far.

    My hope is still twofold: for Lemmy as a whole, I think it’s good that there is a strong leftist presence somewhere to avoid the complete flattening of opinion one can experience on, say, /r/worldnews or /r/politics. I’d hope to see more voices that are critical for example of US hegemony, the two-party system and capital as a whole compared to reddit. And for hexbear I still hope that they can reclaim some of their former big tent appeal, they have always advertised themselves as welcoming to everyone broadly on the left and despite my many criticisms, I do think the mods there do indeed stand by that. These hopes may all be a bit naïve, but I do believe defederating from the biggest leftist instance that (at least in theory) is non-sectarian will only lead to more calcified beliefs on both sides. A lot of that is also for hexbear to decide though, they will have to choose what role they want to play in the fediverse.