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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2024


  • What politics? You are bringing up politics…

    Also, I never heard of immigration regime being subject to such things as disability anti discrimination laws. Does autism is even count as disability? Maybe this is a UK or EU specific thing but it still does not pass a basic bullshit test.

    The state generally reserves right to deny anyone entry or residency for any reason subject to some limitations.

    Generally speaking adult children are not auto admitted, people with disabilities are not permitted to enter or stay just because they got a disability.

    The law can include the exception but presumably discretion rests with the reviewing paper pusher.

    Is there evidence that this paper pusher acted in bad faith or mis applied the law?

    Why should “compassionate exemptions” apply to a 19 year old? did they supply evidence that she is in fact dependent on them beyond “we pay for her shit because we got money”

  • Ok so some people disagree with the decision but there is nothing really controversial about the decision in of itself. State’s reserve the right to deny anyone entry for any reason, and being adult dependent would counter the “labor import” immigration policy.

    We can argue about policy itself but that’s what it is across the west. We accept people because we need wage slaves as domestic population has been essentially worked to death.

    What I do see here is class signaling… god forbid some doctor’s adult child got denied a visa. The horror!!! While less “valued” people rarely get any such support from fake news.