My mom said he put China in it’s place, and I honestly have no idea what she means by that because I changed the topic.
My mom said he put China in it’s place, and I honestly have no idea what she means by that because I changed the topic.
I know what Rollercoaster Tycoon is, I just can’t identify random game developers by their vacation photos.
If the instance allows it, then the instance is doing it.
There isn’t one for most people. You just have to go to work or be homeless. Maybe go to school so work is slightly less ass, but even that’s a luxury many can’t afford.
They aren’t though. They’re rectangular at the top and then have cylinders coming out the bottom. I think the heels of his shoes might be square on the bottom.
Making me realize Spongebob isn’t even square.
I think y’all who are upset over the use of “freeware” are out of touch with how language is used in non-expert settings. Like, I’m definitely more tech-savvy than most people and I still didn’t know about “FOSS” as a term until seeing it on Lemmy and looking it up. This just means “free software” to me and doesn’t imply anything negative.
It even says, “the premier free and open source image editing software for multiple platforms” right in the first paragraph, so what’s the issue? Do you think the headline will mislead someone into thinking that GIMP is proprietary?
Can you please censor ess*y in the future so that it’ll be more difficult for me to filter automatically and actually make me way more likely to get triggered? Thanks.
While some recipes suggest DIY methods to “heat-treat” flour at home, such as baking it in the oven or microwaving it, these methods are inconsistent and may not effectively eliminate all pathogens, including Salmonella, which is particularly heat-resistant in low-moisture foods like flour.
To pasteurize wheat flour (e.g., in 5-lb bags) with different moisture contents (e.g., 11.6 percent and 14.5 percent) using an RF heating process (volumetric heating), the holding time required at a specific target temperature can be predicted by measuring or calculating the high-temperature water activities of the flour samples, and then determining their corresponding D-values for Salmonella. In this case, calculations indicate that the water activities at room temperature for the two batches of flour are 0.43 and 0.64, which would increase to 0.69 and 0.82, respectively, at 80°C. According to the equation shown in Figure 4, the D80 values of Salmonella at these water activity levels are 3.2 and 1.2 minutes, respectively. To achieve a 5-log reduction, the two flour batches must be held at 80 °C for 16 and 6 minutes, respectively.
I think the issue here is not that you can’t pasteurize flour yourself, but that many DIY tutorials are dangerous and they should be regulated.
Also it takes a very long time to heat raw flour and it hardly seems worth the effort. Just make oat flour from rolled oats. You’re eating the dough raw, so what do you need egg or gluten for in the first place?
I like to think that that’s actually her, trying to scam us out of money, and I feel a kind of vicarious pride for her as a woman who doesn’t even have to touch a real dick to get paid, while the rest of us chumps are over here with our shitty jobs. Obviously the reality of the situation isn’t great, but in my head she’s a Robin Hood kind of folk hero.
I had to look up what that was about, and oh my god.
You’ve convinced me to try it a bit longer. It’s really well animated, and I’m attached to the characters, so I’ll try to be content with the fact that it’s not going to get political.
I didn’t realize it was shounen. I used to really enjoy the genre, but I think it’s because I’ve seen and read so many things now that none of them are introducing me to new concepts anymore. I can still recognize a given entry as good by having cool characters or nice animation or whatever, but I can’t stay interested very long because it’s like I’ve seen it before. Like, I think the MCU is fine, but largely uninteresting. (I got really hyped about Killmonger though!)
Your counterexample is possibly the last Japanese thing I really enjoyed because it had these conflicting ideologies and delved into issues like human rights and international relations.
It just seems like a lot of people don’t realize that, based on how they phrase their concerns. I wanted to put the idea out for consideration without calling out anyone specifically as I feel that’s needlessly hostile. I think the less direct approach allows people to decide for themselves whether I’m talking about them, without feeling they need to respond to an accusation.
I feel like everyone who’s against image/text generation on the grounds of artists’ financial wellbeing is actually against capitalism rather than AI.
I don’t think that’s the case, but trees in general are sadly not common in American landscaping, at least in my experience with urban areas. You tend to see newer (90’s+) homes with very small trees that suggest the idea of nature without providing any shade or other benefits. I keep hearing about people buying older houses with big lovely trees and having them immediately cut down because it’s disturbing the driveway or they’re afraid of it falling in a storm. I think insurance costs may have something to do with these concerns, but it’s really sad regardless.
In California they’re constantly giving out these little saplings that will grow into very functional and deep-rooted shade trees, but no one wants them because they aren’t pretty and drop needles.
that’s probably in areas where such a yard is the only safe space for wildlife and people don’t live with nature as a daily part of their lives.
I think this is the case. In urban areas you get the rats and such nesting directly in people’s homes because there’s nowhere else for them to be, thanks to the absolute miles of pavement. When I’ve lived in more rural areas you would see a lot of animals all the time, but everyone was pretty much minding their own business. I think habitat destruction is the real problem.
Too much glucose is a great way to get diabetes.
Littering your yard with food attracts things like rats, raccoons, squirrels, etc, which destroy property and infrastructure, spread disease, and cause injury to people and pets. I’m not saying I’m against fruit trees, but I do understand people who are. It’s a legitimate concern. Some areas even have things like boars or bears which are extremely dangerous.
I’m also curious with the way you can sue people in the US what would happen if someone becomes sick after eating one of your fruits. I imagine it varies by state.
Cotton fibers from repeated washes and clothing waste are also terrible though. In my case, one pair of synthetic outdoor or workout pants lasts over a decade while a pair of cotton jeans or khakis has the crotch chewed out within months. As far as I understand the math on the environmental impact, it’s more about using the same items for as long as possible than what material those items are.