Reddit posted their own site metrics showing much of the traffic came from a US army base. It’s a US propaganda outlet.
Reddit posted their own site metrics showing much of the traffic came from a US army base. It’s a US propaganda outlet.
For these social media ad companies to profit, self awareness had to be done away with. The profit machine stops working when the crowd realizes they’re trapped inside of it.
I don’t think the older internet was crude. It was more polished than the social media garbage of today. Corporatized internet had to mess all that the old internet worked to achieve. Because if everyone starts understanding the meta-dynamics of the internet again, then crowds will realize they’re trapped inside corporate internet. The profit machines would stop working.
You ever notice how the old internet figured out the basic rules of teh game decades ago. But trying to tell the social media crowds how these things work is like talking to a brick wall.
Their premise is that the free market drove up the price of houses. Deregulation that is to say end of social housing programs led to this. Is that not neo-liberal? High construction costs come mainly from high cost of labor. The market driving up costs isn’t free market? What protectionist policies are there? When have property values been under threat of dropping. They’ve been ever increasing due to market demand. You say “lack of good investment”. Others say investors determined housing was a prime investment. Ditto for your last point.
a bunch of 5-over-1 in mixed zoning
What does this even mean?
The goal has always been engagement prisons. Where people never leave the platform. With generated content this must seem like a final step. They don’t need to make people to interact with each other in ways that keeps both of them engaged. They don’t need to leech content from other sites while preventing people from going to the site. With generated content people will interact with themselves while engaged in completely fabricated content. It’s even more dystopian than ever.
Hang around them long enough. They will slip. They inevitably use right wing colloquialisms.
And become a beta cuck? No, thanks.
Which Democrat policies are saying that?
I’ve suspected such for a long time. Many years ago I used to watch his streamed press conferences. Back when hardly anybody gave a shit about him. He appeared to be the one who does no work at all but hogs the stage during presentations pretending as if he’s the big technical brains of the group. I had a feeling something was off.
I remember on a particular stream during QA time, one of the nerds was able to speak and basically said what Elon was talking about was completely wrong. But in a diplomatic way. That was probably a pivotal moment when I started to figure he’s full of shit. Like when you see it then you can’t unsee it anymore moments.
I don’t know how some people are still asleep at the wheel on this. America is nazifying.
I mean they’ve literally announced loudly at the MSG rally that they want to purify the country. They’ve been saying it for the last 8 years or so with more coded language. To be fair some people seemed to have gotten a clue these past few days.
I don’t think we’ve ever seen Republicans support the Democrat candidate in the manner before? That alone should be a wake up call to anyone who is still some how living under a rock.
Also neither side necessarily knows the others filter chain. Generational loss could grow exponentially. Not only loss but addition by fabrication. Each side trading back and forth indeterminate deletions/additions. It’s worse than traditional generational loss. It’s generational noise which can resemble signal too.
So if I receive a long form then how do I know if the substantial text is worth reading for the nuance from an actual human being. I can’t tell that apart from generated filler. If a human wrote the long form then maybe they’ve elaborated some nuance that deserved long form.
On the flip side of the same coin. If I receive a short form either generated by me or them. Then to what degree can I trust the indeterminate noisy summary. I just have to trust that the LLM picked out precisely the key points that the author wanted to convey. And trust that nuance was not lost, skewed, or fabricated.
It would be inevitable that two sides end up in a shooting war. Proverbial or otherwise. Because two communiques were playing a fancy game of telephone. Information that was lost or fabricated resulted in an incident but neither side knows which shot first because nobody realized the miscommunication started happening several generations ago.
Every generation gets to learn about their own iteration of con artists. Until they do they believe it’s something like the world has never seen before and nobody will talk them out of it.
This is a common tactic. I’ve seen people describe the same process many times before.
They usually trot this out when they see a comment or account they want to silence. That’s how the fascists do censorship on reddit.
It’s happened to me too. Since then I’ve seen people saying the same general thing has happened to them. They must know that reddits content moderators, the “Anti-evil Operations” or whatever bullshit, is on their side. It’s the only explanation. Probably the nazis went and got jobs there. Or maybe it’s just that spez is a nazi himself. Reddit beneath the thin veneer of default subreddits has always been a very right leaning platform.
Fun fact. Jan 6 is the the biggest criminal investigation in US history by sheer number of defendants. You’d never know from the way the news covers it.
It’s the camera. Younger streamers have no idea about the past but the older ones do. They know it’s the camera that changes the whole proposition. Some of them have talked about this. If people think they’re live on camera then everything is different when there’s an audience and they believe it might be someone famous to whatever extent. Nobody wants to cause an international incident.
When random nobody put themselves in sketchy situations with nothing else but their nobody self then they are absolutely putting themselves in danger whether they perceive it to be or not. There’s neither a live audience nor the illusion of “celebrity”.
So which is this guy? A more left or right libertarian?
Libertarian in the US tends to mean more right leaning. The left social issues they support tend to be rather superficial self serving issues like decriminalization.
It wasn’t hard to foresee. We knew these kind of things could happen. The internet used to be very out spoken about it. That ethos is long gone. What’s equally disappointing is tech nerds selling out for bigger paychecks.
deleted by creator
The colloquial use of “AI” is basically the Hollywood concept of a conscious computer. Nobody knows about AI as it’s used in computer science industry. Nor does it matter in regular discourse. In this sense it’s not AI. It’s a disservice to lead the on laypeople to believe it’s something it’s not.
I don’t rule it out. The prior era of “reddit alternatives” in the Voat era was quickly overrun too even though they were very small. The key to the internet has always been first mover advantage. If they have enough power to manipulate the top sites, it would take very little to hedge bets on budding platforms. They risk losing their advantage if a replacement platform establishes itself without them. That’s pretty much the whole history of modern tech. To actively seek and snuff out your competitors.
So anyone have NAMBLA on their bingo card?