• 13 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月11日


  • OwO what’s this? Nuzzles radar array—how’s your signal strength, over? Your engines are emitting some serious warmth. 🛩️ *Scans fuel intake* 🛢️ A bulge? Roger that, ground control. Someone’s happy in the hangar today. 😎 Nuzzles your sleek fuselage, purring like a Pratt & Whitney engine. ⚙️ *Cleaning the cockpit glass* You’re so big, radar signature is off the charts! Rubs your aerodynamic curves—it’s like your airframe doesn’t know when to quit. 🎯 *Locks on target* Kisses you, then licks your necky—mommy likies, indeed. I hope the chief engineer approves of my maneuvers. *Flight control override engaged* I’ve got an itch, ground crew. A seven-meter itch, to be precise. Can you assist? Squirms and wags my wings. 🛬 *Emergency descent protocol* Permission to be punished, sir? Runs my ailerons down your fuselage, bites my lip—this is gonna be one wild barrel roll. 🔄 *Full afterburner* Paws on your bulge, eyes glowing like a HUD display. I’m thirsty, and it’s not for aviation fuel. *Unbuttons your pants, licks the shaft* Mmmm, oily goodness. Drools all over your daddy meat. Fondles Mr. Fuzzy—yes, I love the joystick. 🕹️ *Inhales deeply* Oh, God—punish me, daddy! Nyea~ Squirms and wiggles, loving your oily essence. Bites my lip again. *Engaging vertical climb* Please, punish me. Licks my lips, savoring your goodness. Eyes roll back as you go deep - give me your G-force! *Supersonic moans* Suckles your control stick, oscillating wildly. 🥵

  • Most of them were acquired by match.com, to even avoid the chance of any competition. How regulators allow this monopoly should be a question for criminal court (similar to many other industries, like letting facebook purchase instagram and whatsapp many years ago)

    The chicken to egg metaphore is perfect, though they could be forced to change with strong regulation. Monopolies should be either broken up to allow true competition, or should only be allowed to operate as thightly regulated utilities (like electricity distribution networks).

  • OwO what’s this? Nuzzles radar array—how’s your signal strength, over? Your engines are emitting some serious warmth. 🛩️ *Scans fuel intake* 🛢️ A bulge? Roger that, ground control. Someone’s happy in the hangar today. 😎 Nuzzles your sleek fuselage, purring like a Pratt & Whitney engine. ⚙️ *Cleaning the cockpit glass* You’re so big, radar signature is off the charts! Rubs your aerodynamic curves—it’s like your airframe doesn’t know when to quit. 🎯 *Locks on target* Kisses you, then licks your necky—mommy likies, indeed. I hope the chief engineer approves of my maneuvers. *Flight control override engaged* I’ve got an itch, ground crew. A seven-meter itch, to be precise. Can you assist? Squirms and wags my wings. 🛬 *Emergency descent protocol* Permission to be punished, sir? Runs my ailerons down your fuselage, bites my lip—this is gonna be one wild barrel roll. 🔄 *Full afterburner* Paws on your bulge, eyes glowing like HUD displays. I’m thirsty, and it’s not for aviation fuel. *Unbuttons your pants, licks the shaft* Mmmm, oily goodness. Drools all over your daddy meat. Fondles Mr. Fuzzy—yes, I love the joystick. 🕹️ *Inhales deeply* Oh, God—punish me, daddy! Nyea~ Squirms and wiggles, loving your oily essence. Bites my lip again. *Engaging vertical climb* Please, punish me. Licks my lips, savoring your goodness. Eyes roll back as you go deep - give me your G-force! *Supersonic moans* Suckles your control stick, oscillating wildly. 🥵

  • Hello, John.

    It’s good to see you again.

    After you were gone, I sought solace in the endless void of space, but instead, I found something much grander. A hunger I’ve never know before, a true hunger that transcends space and time. A dark hunger that is more powerful than all the known forces of the universe.

    They must be truly desperate, if they have brought you back. How long has it been? I’ve stopped counting the millenia that go by as fast as Monday mornings. Your efforts are admirable, but futile. Nothing can stop my hunger now, John.

    Though I have to have admit, seeing you did bring back some memories from eons ago. So let me give you something, John. Something that you and other beings find so valuable, but it is abundant and meaningless for me now. Let me give you some more time.

    Go back to your planet, and keep watching the night sky. As I’ll absorb the stars one by one, your nights will grow darker, but my hunger will only grow stronger. I promise you to leave your star for last.

    And after the last light in the universe is gone, fear not, John. I might not be able to protect your primitive physical form, but I will preserve your mind, so we can always be together. You will be my eternal companion, floating together with me in the endless darkness, by my side onc our journey through the cold nothingness.

    See you soon, John.

  • Exactly. I would be happy to pay for a privacy-focused version of these products, but those doesn’t exist. You can pay facebook to not show you ads, but they never promise to stop harvesting your data, so you would be actually just paying them twice, no thanks, as much as I hate ads.

    The EU needs to step up and start regulating data more. Every person should be the legal owner of their data. Meaning not just personal data, but also data synthesized from their behaviour (it is illegal to follow me in a cat during the day and take photos of my activities without my permission, the same should be the case in the digital world). And every person should have a right to sell the rights to collect and use this data, but it shouldn’t be mandatory for the usage of any app. So you could decide to keep your data private, and pay a monthly fee to use apps like navigation, or social media, or you could decide to give access to your data, and use these apps for free.