Musician, mechanic, writer, dreamer, techy, green thumb, emigrant, BP2, ADHD, Father, weirdo


  • 50 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I used to provide commercial end-user support for a network intelligence product that used as much metadata as possible to help classify endpoints, shuffling them off to the right captive portals for the right segment based on that data.

    I can tell you that the things you’re saying are transmitted in a DHCP request/offer are just not. If they were, my job would’ve been a LOT easier. The only information you can count on are a MAC address.

    I can’t view that link you shared, but I’ve viewed my share of packet captures diagnosing misidentified endpoints. Not only does a DHCP request/offer not include other metadata, it can’t. There’s no place for OS metrics. Clients just ask for any address, or ask to renew one they think they can use. That only requires a MAC and an IP address.

    I suppose DHCP option flags could maybe lead to some kind of data gathering, but that’s usually sent by the server,not the client.

    I think, at the end of the day, fighting so that random actors can’t find out who manufactured my WiFi radio just isn’t up there on my list of “worth its” to worry about.

  • What tease! This great map begs for my close scrutiny. Alas! It will not bear it.

    Edit: Here is a decent hi res map of the watershed. Boy, do I want to read every detail of that map you shared, OP. I’m going down the rabbit-hole!

    Edit2: Another mid/low res map of the basin, but its awfully MS-Paint.

    Edit3: found this digital version, but no better, really:

    EditFinal: Here’s a depth and elevation profile that I found that’s clear and fairly detailed. I am too busy today to get further sucked in, but I could spend the rest of my day staring at these maps…

  • No, you’re absolutely right. That’s what happens when you have the WaaSMedic service running, which cannot be easily disabled in services.msc. I would think I had finally gone the “full-nuclear” option and broken al updates by disabling and stopping the update services (that I knew about), but they would re-enable themselves without fail.

    This comment explains where you need to disable it (if you want to go that route).

  • Re: DuckDuckGo:

    You can sign-up and manage your aliases from any browser on any OS

    But not on the TOR or Mull browsers on Android:

    ETA: I use both DDG and SimpleLogin. I recently bumped up against the ten alias limit in SL, but I prefer the ease of creating outgoing aliases in their dashboard vs the DDG method of manually typing with underscores. That said, they both come in handy and I have dozens of DDG aliases that helped me break my dependence on gmail as my single email provider. Never tried Addy.

  • Its a real catch-22 engineered by SCOTUS to do just that, I believe. The number of cases that receive QI where the judge regretted that the way it works results in a finding that “reasonable” officers wouldn’t know just boils my blood.

    Thank police unions and the justice system for making victims think settling is their best way forward. Fear of getting no justice at all after what they’ve been through is a powerful deterrent. That’s why I am glad when a well funded activist organization get behind victims (or are themselves the victim) and take it to trial.

    I would be hard pressed not to accept a settlement in the neighborhood of a million dollars, as things are so effed up for workers in this economy and that would set me up for life invested properly.

  • I’d use the find command piped to mv and play with some empty test folders first. I’m not familiar with Nemo, though I’ve used it for a short while. I’ve never tried the bulk renaming features if they exist.

    Depending in how much variation you have in the preceding underscores, REGEX may be useful, but if its just a lot of single underscores you can easily trim them with a single version of the script.

    Edit: corrected second command typo. I think there’s a rename command I haven’t used in ages that may have args to help here too, but I’m away from the PC