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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 11th, 2023


  • I think it’s better to think of it like this:

    How do you make your money? Do you need to make a wage? Or can you let your property (land, buildings, stocks, etc.) be your income?

    The real amount doesn’t matter, it’s whether you have to work to live or not.

    If you have to work, you are the working class. If you don’t, you are the owner/capitalist class. But your analysis is still somewhat correct: millionaires and small business owners are closer to the working class than billionaires, it does still matter how they make it though.

  • Probably important to point this out: private property is not personal property.

    E.g. An apartment building rented to tenants is the landlords private property. They have exclusive rights to the decisions, especially economic ones, regarding the building and the profits of the rent.

    A car, book, house, pizza, are all your personal property so long as you don’t owe a lender anything for them.

    So no private property might look like:

    The people who live in an apartment building own the building collectively and have the full right therein, but the individual units are each their own personal property.

  • I’m very good at talking with my mouth full, thank you.

    So do you support the agenda of Biden? Or maybe Trump? Maybe you are disappointed with the political landscape of your country and would like changes? Maybe I am giving you too much credit?

    Back to the thread at hand: it is kind of insane that it may actually be possible to legally assassinate your political rivals without any legal reprecussions while leading any country isn’t it? And now that the cats out of the bag, doesn’t that worry you in the least?