One replier derived racial implications, another harry potter school houses, and politics. It’s a ripe field.
I want a makita impact driver. Deeply. Tho that teal thrills me not at all.
I just recently broke my craftsman impact driver. It was 20v. Good for the $80 tho it didn’t carry a charge too well. Strong enough. Lasted 5 years. Snapped something inside it 4 days ago. Crass, cheap red with black detailing.
You are obsessed with race. It’s very popular in the usa right now. Sometimes I do it ironically.
I do like Bosch. Tho that blue never did much for me.
I have one of their little 12 v driver combos. Impact and drill. It’s pretty sweet.
Ya, pretty darn cute.
You are the worm and I am the eagle. You criticize me for failing to crawl properly.
I really am doubting cause-effect here. I think it’s one of those useful dumbed-down cartoons we use to get from A to B and to satisfy our need for a coherent narrative.
But more specifically, yes, the money associations. Shakiness compounded.
Well I was hoping that we would jump straight to discussing the idea instead of spending time explaining it.
I think that attributing ultimate cause, or authorship, or ownership, when it comes to things as serious as money, to be built upon shakey ground
Yes, I think that the concept of cause-effect is inherently broken (tho useful, yes) and therefore the concept of ownership is broken. The game is broken.
I demand greater rigor from the latter because it is the system by which we run our society etc.
What is the proper approach to winning a broken game?
But you aren’t demanding that I defend my claim, you are asking for clarification, right?
I think that we are attracted to the profitable narratives, choosing them automatically and habitually, working out our case for choosing them on a semiconscious level.
Rationality here is a justifying tool, applied after the fact.
Sometimes your worldview will offer several equally plausible narratives. With no clear “truth”.
Sometimes the temptation to squint is powerful. A paycheck can do that.
Random events is one, mapped in various useful ways, none of those ways deserving to be treated as gospel.
I’m simply undermining the pedestal upon which certain narratives sit. Specifically, the narratives of “creator” and “owner”.
Given a number of equally plausible narratives we will choose the one in which we profit the most. And argue for it. That’s the second breakage.
But underlining the obvious is so much work on a cellphone.
Ok, I expounded elsewhere in this thread. Look for the big one.
Maybe I was inspired to punch you by a YouTube video. So it could be said that the creator of the video punched you.
Consider a painting. A piece of art.
We say the artist made it. But we could also argue that the manufacturers of the canvas, paint and brushes are owed credit. And the artist’s parents of course. And the society in which the artist was raised. And every source of inspiration.
This could be said of every work, product, pile of amassed wealth… Cause is uncertain therefore ownership is uncertain.
But there are certain stories that we prefer. Stories of domination , security etc. Therefore, given the option, we choose them.
Therefore given the option to claim ownership, to assert that narrative where I profit, even though that narrative isn’t really relatively strong, I will.
You didn’t provide examples either, actually.
The thing about being deceived is you don’t know when it’s happening.