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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 25th, 2023


  • The US has, through concerted effort by the right wing, forgotten why FDR came into power. He was the heir of an extremely rich family. He managed to convince enough of the other oligarchs to avert going the way of the USSR. The US had revolutionary potential or the powerful would not have let this happen.

    The policies that resulted from FDR’s presidency had an enormous effect on the US’s populace. It completely changed what the average American expected from their government. The politics of the Democrats, and even the Republican, president’s that followed reflected the change that FDR’s policies wrought.

    It took 40 years of concerted media, intellectual, and religious capture for the right to regain anything resembling the political ascendancy they saw before the 1930s.

  • You might reread my last sentence, I didn’t say anything about the EU.

    The amount of material the US supplies to both Israel and the Saudis amounts to complicity. The tendency for the US to covertly cause coups throughout the world goes beyond complicity. The resulting government are almost always authoritarian and always support US economic interest. If Israel and the Saudis weren’t there to serve the US’s interests they would install someone who would.

    I wish it was a simple issue of conservatism in the states causing this problem but is seems to be nonpartisan.

  • The frustrating thing is both Hamas and the Houtis are as powerful as they are because of the massive suppression of alternatives by the various powers at play in their respective conflicts.

    Israel picked Hamas to be it’s enemy. They suppressed the alternatives and funded Hamas.

    In Yemen the government in the North and the Saudis are much more interested in fighting the Houtis than allowing the pro democratic forces to become ascendant.

    This whole situation is the fault of US allies.

  • Thanks for posting this! I’ve been meaning to get something in this vein.

    A bit of advice for those like me who don’t like sunscreen, long sleeve fishing shirts with SPF protection are awesome for hot weather. They breathe wonderfully and have kept me from burning despite all day rides. I don’t like that they’re all plastic of some kind, so I’ve been looking into hemp shirts, they naturally block uv, and I’ve had good luck with them as well.

  • There are alternatives to owning a tractor yourself. Finding a group of people who would use the tractor is feasible. Setup a democratic system to control the use of the tractor and a system of dues to ensure it is well maintained. Basically treat the tractor as a commons that people can exploit in an ethical manner.

    This kind of system can be expanded to all means of production in theory. All capital treated as commons for workers to use.

    This has the added benefit of being feasible within the current system, makes it easier for workers to survive, and acting as material evidence for alternative economic systems.

  • You’re not wrong, but that doesn’t contradict what I said. Just because some Jews are willing to take anti-semetically motivated help doesn’t make that help not anti-semetic. The added effect on diaspora Jews is destabilizing as well. Every antisemite can justify abuse by telling people just to go to Israel.

    This is a tangent but, a common belief is that Jews needed an ethnically Jewish state in Palestine in order to live there. That is not true. Jewish folks have lived in that area continuously for millennia. In a lot of ways Zionism is a power grab. It’s a way to grab land to get rich in a speculative land market. It’s not dissimilar from how the genocide of indigenous peoples played out in the United States.