• 510 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • At the end of each drive the rover sometimes partially rotates to align its radio antennas towards Earth depending on mission priorities. that partial rotation is performed in place and can leave those nice tracks on the ground in sandy conditions. Knowing the diameter of the wheels and the number of grousers one can readily get a good feel of the scale of the terrain from spacing of those tracks. Getting the sun in the right place to illuminate that scene is just good luck. As a once budding amateur photographer I know what you mean about framing and those occasional artistic shots when everything aligns just right, that’s why the MSL B&W images really tick a lot of boxes for me, something colour images can rarely do for me, B&W images seems to portray the mood and tells the story better for me without the distraction of colour. Here’s an example from Curiosity that ticked all of my boxes a few thousand sols ago :) https://www.flickr.com/photos/105796482@N04/20323716143/

  • The rover operations team command the rover to take a full set of NavCam tiled images after ever drive, the example you posted here is a left navigation camera tile. A minimum of 4 tiles are required to assemble a full frame image from each camera, at leased 5 full frame stereo images are acquired (40 tiles), many more if the horizon is clipped. At science stops that require more a lot more detail, they can command up to 16 tiles for a single image of the workspace. The tile you posted was acquired after the short drive on sol 1092. As of today the rover has completed over 360 drives, so you can find a lot of similar images of the right side wheels on the mission server. Presently there are 49,740 NavCam tiles on the server, I’d estimate that close to 15 to 20% of the post drive tiled images feature the ground very close to the rover. Also check out the front and rear HazCam tiles as they are also acquired after every drive. Currently there are 15,467 HazCam tiles on the image server, these all feature the terrain close to the rover. Today is sol 1093, the rover did not drive today, but it has already downlinked 57 NavCam tiles, so I think you have plenty to cover your needs :)