Wonder what a burned Tesla smells like
Wonder what a burned Tesla smells like
Spoken like a true man. I’m a victim of sexism in STEM, now resigned to finish my degree in Japanese rather than deal with the awfulness that is men in Engingeering.
Sex offenders have a high chance of re-offending in your example, and are essentially branded for life by the state. In particular, sex crimes involving minors. I know the stigma of having made mistakes in your past, but the difference that time makes is the development of remorse, steps towards not doing the same thing, and being a better person.
If you want to appeal to a sense of rehabilitation, please tell me what you did and how it was wrong and how you’re feeling about it. I don’t believe in a permanent brand even for some actions, but if you’re remorseless then what’s to make me believe you? And before you ask me why I’m painting myself as an arbiter, just remember that one person friendly to your cause could turn the tide of canceling.
So let me get this straight; you’re arguing that everything is okay because you got punished for it in the past? And that the act itself was not actually bad because it was just proship fanfic stuff?
Japanese-Americans, referred to as Nikkei by Japan, underwent an extended detention in racial concentration camps. They were basically forced to abandon their Japanese culture and way of life to become “American,” punished when speaking Japanese etc. It’s totally within their rights to call the slur a slur, because it calls back to the internment camps.
Otaku when they learn about Kogal fashion:
That’s a Highland, not a Yak lmao
I think his actions speak far louder than symbols in articles he links.
Is this the same artist from the “What the Fuck is a Cuck” comic?
“I’m not here to fight about bathrooms. I’m here to fight for Delawareans and to bring down costs facing families,” she said.
Some real fucking solidarity going on here if you ask me /s
Impressive, very nice. Now let’s see Twitter adjusted for bot activity
Sarah McBride is an embarrassment to Delaware and all transgender Americans. Have a spine, lady.
Big talk. Let’s see some ground level unionizing first.
If you’re looking for someone to say it, you’ve got me here. Banning children from tobacco doesn’t stop them from getting it, banning gambling adverts won’t stop them from doing it (cereal box rewards etc) and usually find their ways into nightclubs with alcohol anyways. The only reason these laws exist are to control and subjugate children, not “for their own good.” Such paternalist thought leads to shit like children marriage and any number of different types of child abuse, cause if your kid doesn’t have any rights, what’s stopping the parent from sending their kids to conversion therapy and misgendering then every day?
It depends on your opinion. Anarchy isn’t a prescriptive unitary ideology, and it’s got a lot of different things behind it and subgroups and whatever. You can have Stirner’s Egoist perspective on laws, being that you just follow whatever laws suit your own ego, or you can have the Illegalists’ perspective on laws, that they’re all worth breaking.
The law is a spook. You seem to fundamentally misunderstand the purpose of db0
Children are not fucking chattel and I’m tired of pretending like they are.
“The law discriminates against and limits the freedom of children, therefore they’re totally justified!”
Yeah ok sure
Thank you, computer historian