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Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • The best lawn is one that serves a purpose for a reasonably sized group of people. Feeling or being compelled to maintain something you don’t want, that’s of no value to you, or nature, is the worst part of lawn culture to me. Nobody should be expected to have a lawn they don’t want, if you have a better use for the space, do that instead if you want.

    Sounds like their lawn is at least good for their community. Maybe it’s suboptimal urban planning, but that’s far less bad than wanton waste of resources in my book.

  • I suspect some people will mental gymnastics themselves into thinking this isn’t a serious crime, and stipulating an abstract ‘serious crime’ yields more extreme results than we’ll see as a result of this verdict.

    But a few percentage point swing in a few key states is enough to ensure a Biden victory, so it may be enough.

  • IANAL, but If I’m understanding this correctly, because he was found guilty of class E felonies, there is technically a minimum of 1 year in prison, but if the court:

    is of the opinion that a sentence of imprisonment is necessary but that it would be unduly harsh to impose an indeterminate or determinate sentence, the court may impose a definite sentence of imprisonment and fix a term of one year or less.

    Which seems like an alternative minimum. It seems like there will be additional evaluations as part of sentencing, which may or may not be postponed by appeals. He may get up to 4 years per count (which I’m assuming would be concurrent), maybe 1, maybe less if the court finds that it would be harsh to do so.

  • I see what you’re saying. As an isolated event it’s pretty meh. Maybe it sucks for the two people who used it.

    In a sense, Musk was betting that Twitter’s API was undermonitized, and by raising the price, he’d make more money than he’d lose in people leaving the platform. He bet Twitter’s relevance against some money. Yeah, not a lot of people used it on Switch, but every rejection of his bet, that Twitter isn’t worth the price, hurts Musk’s bottom line. And it’s kinda on him; Nintendo isn’t defying him, he was just wrong.

  • To me the question is whether the result of what you’re doing makes the world around you better or worse. Would the people living in your place be better off if you were out of the equation? Then you’re a bad landlord.

    If you’re making money from providing labor for the people who live in a place you own, and they’re paying your costs to do so, I think there’s a case for that being a reasonable occupation to hold. If there’s an issue with it, it’s not my highest priority, and there’s definitely some value in flexible housing stock for people.

    If your goal is passive income, or you’re making money from owning housing and denying that ownership to people who need a place to live, then you’re behaving as a parasite, and I think it’s reasonable for people to give you an amount of respect proportional to that.