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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • I believe in truth and that facts do matter. I also teach young people. Being a wage earner was not a bad thing, but I yearn for the freedom to live an easier life, eventually. I want that for everyone. False beliefs are traps that hold people back from being their best selves. Carry flat-earth beliefs as a core foundation and look at what differences it would make. Geostationary satellites, and all the tech jobs that go with servicing that sector, just disappeared. Ditto solar. Travel to distant places, and time zones, becomes an insolvable problem. Your co-worker is holding his life back by believing in medieval superstitions.

    It is a kindness to challenge people to find what is true.

  • A study that sticks in my mind is that negative comments outweigh positive comments in how they are felt by the receivers. What is perceived as balanced is a ratio of one negative comment to five positive comments. Do downvotes have the same weight as comments? IDK, but I without the feedback of comments, there isn’t much to base anything on. I get attacked in droves if I comment about anything Russian. We clearly do not see events through the same lens.

  • I would add his previous habit of eating a lot of tuna. Mercury poisoning was likely why “mad as a hatter” came to be. Hatters would brighten their pins and needles with dips in quicksilver, to see them better. Holding some pins in the mouth caused ingestion in small amounts that slowly poison. It isn’t a far reach for a person to see their neurologic symptoms of mercury poisoning to be from another mercury source, like the mercury in one particular vaccine.

  • Our legal system has 4 tiers of justice. If you are poor, a person of color or of another lowly respected group, you are too many times presumed guilty.

    If you are working class to middle class, and can afford a decent lawyer, you get a middling level of justice. The better that you are able to differentiate yourself from the poor, and appear to look innocent, the better your outcome.

    When you enter actual wealth, you can afford to put off trials, get counsel that can enact intensive clogging of the justice system. Prosecutors will be using inordinate resources to try a case and will plea bargain to ridiculous levels to be able to function for the rest of their duties. There is some justice in that what is spent on lawyers will meet or exceed the fines that they may have received otherwise.

    The highest tier can always take their money elsewhere. They can purchase citizenship to other countries, including those without extradition, and are nations to themselves. The last two levels are either somewhat above the law, or completely exempt from the rule of law.

    What is new is that members of a political party are seen as exempt from law, and that a ruler is exempt from law for life.

  • I keep one until the battery dies. Then I replace the battery with a second rechargeable lithium and a new watch band. By the next time the next battery goes dead, the case is shot, too. Make absolutely sure that you follow the battery replacement directions carefully, reading the directions fully BEFORE attempting it. There are very tiny parts that can drop out and easily lost.

  • n0m4n@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlHappy Pi day!
    4 months ago

    My class is different. They have to qualify, and have to ask to get in. When they leave, they are giants who can mike drop things that 99% of adults cannot do. (And they have a blast, while learning.) If it isn’t fun, they are not going to learn. The secrets to herding cats is either a string or a laser light.

  • n0m4n@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlHappy Pi day!
    4 months ago

    These are advanced common core students. I wanted them to experience that they can choose variables to make sense for them. I also needed to introduce a third dimension to their math equations. We have played with Pi before, so that irrational is not new.

    Pizza is loved, and I wanted to campaign for the vast superiority of Chicago Deep Dish. It is to bait them, it has vegetables… ewe… But they could see that more pizza might be a great advancement in the history of pizza. The pneumonic of PiZZa being the greatest equation in the world was too good to pass up. And Pi day was coming up.

    The kids got pizza as a reward, so it was a complete win in their minds.

    You are right about area should be A, instead of height, and radius should not be Z, either, but I improvised and made it the Z axis.

  • n0m4n@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlHappy Pi day!
    4 months ago

    I have been teaching my 4th grade students their first actual equation that also is the greatest equation of the world universe. The secret parts are that the height is A, and the distance from the center to the edge is Z.

    The greatest equation is that the actual volume of pizza that you get in any pizza is equal to…PI x ZZ x A. They ate it up.