Use watchtower folks if you’re self hosting.
CSMC of course!
All US stocks half off
If domestic terrorism is such a focus why’d they shutter their KKK and White Nationalist investigations and kill their metadata tracking tool?
He’s missing out on HUGO, Gin, Surf and Ebitengine just to name a few.
Member states already have mutual defense pacts that overrule any competing EU dictates in time of war.
So Hungary can veto whatever they want, but defensive actions will be taken regardless.
They’re headquartered in the US. GDPR being an EU statute, won’t hold much weight with the current administration; and since they’re filing for bankruptcy the data will be sold to the highest bidder. Likely as not they were selling access to their db when they were in operation.
HIPAA may have a claim on the data that could give some privacy protections, however since people’s insurance wasn’t involved and the process didn’t go through a doctor’s office I doubt it.
That data has already been sold.
What is this the 1800’s?
perhaps with some Led Zep-type analogues
They love cat food
Don’t mock her accent. Rude.
What are they saying?
That thumb has a foreskin. AI generated images are still hilarious
Yes. Money talks.
Archive without AI slop here
Defense contracting will become a jobs program essentially
Most previous “recalls” were software updates. This is a mechanical connection of a steel strip running along the windshield. It’s a sheet of stainless that can become a sail on the highway and rip itself off of the truck. I personally think a 4’x3" panel of 1/8th inch stainless steel flying at my car while I’m driving 65mph to be a pretty big deal.
So, this is not a speedbump. Furthermore, this highlights all the bullshit cost cutting measures that were placed on the project and most of all shows that Musk actively makes any tech he touches worse.
Edit: I thought this was a recall for the rear quarter panels that have been separating as well.
Which strawman are you yelling at in particular?