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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • morbidcactus@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlplease
    6 days ago

    So I’ll counter an anecdote with an anecdote, my dad is a draftsman by trade and was an engineering technologist for decades, he’s looked at Freecad back and forth and is now seriously looking at it over solidworks for his personal projects now that he’s retired, I also flipped from solidworks which I used professionally for about 5 years before changing roles. Does it have quirks, yeah it does, but so do other cad packages, and lets not pretend that solidworks is a beacon of stability, there’s a reason it was drilled into us in uni to save frequently and why it has autosaving. The UI is relatively simple, there’s plugins to customise it and it has substantially improved over the last decade when I first gave it a try, way better than my memories of using solid edge (and I personally disliked fusion, just didn’t click with me, at least freecad has a near identical workflow to SW). Am I more accepting of jankiness with Foss solutions, straightup yes, it’s provided for free without restrictions on its usage vs solidworks where if you have a maker license for example, only other maker licenses can open the sldprt file.

    Another example, I’d wager it’s why you see a lot more r and python usage in statistical spaces where SPSS and SAS were used because those tools are extremely expensive for licenses (I recall a colleague talking about it costing 10s of thousanda at leaat, maybe more, company was always looking into ways they can get off of it) cost alone makes the Foss solutions more accessible.

    I’ll be also fair that both of my anecdotal examples we’re using for personal projects but the point is that professional users aren’t a monolith.

  • I’ve always struggled to succinctly describe my job to people outside of it, it’s muddy because I often fill gaps and there’s often a lack of clear r&r, I’m on paper a Data Engineer & Architect, I just say I design and build backend stuff and handle infrastructure.

    Had the same issue when I did Equipment Reliability Engineering, technical roles are often really hard to explain to people I’ve found.

  • Bit of a rant because it’s been on my mind.

    Also thank them for killing the per vote subsidy, proroguing parliament to effectively kill a coalition gov, trying to convince Canadians that coalitions are somehow antidemocratic and a seizure of power, muzzling of scientists, barbaric cultural practices hotline, robocall scandal, mandatory minimums, missing more but there was a lot to cover in those years.

    I don’t know how anyone looks back at the harper years and thinks oh it wasn’t that bad, we should totally elect one of his cabinet ministers, no it totally was a taste of things to come, dude’s the chair of the idu which totally pushes this shit on a global scale.

    Harper SHOULD be the Tories’ Bob Rae in terms of making them toxic to the general population, literally the reason so many people voted strategically. Maybe it’s a bunch of us not remembering, a lot of what I mentioned was some time ago, maybe it’s that a lot of Canadians anecdotally seem more interested in what’s happening stateside than their own backyard and are generally don’t pay attention to politics but it seriously concerns me.

  • 34 now, been on meds since getting diagnosed 2.5 years ago, I failed calc 2 because I bombed the exam (luckily I could rewrite) and scraped by a few I had zero interest in. Also still recall one prof in my last year emailing me asking why I hadn’t turned in assignments, I totally did cost-benefit analysis on every course to see what was worth doing and what I could get away with and still pass, helped that 70-90% of your final grade was the final exam in a good chunk of my courses. Uni is where my maladaptive coping mechanisms come from, I binged, used self induced stress as a motivator, would pound a pot of coffee myself during exams, only developed a lot of these skills relatively recently with medication and 4 years of therapy. No wonder I still struggle with internalised negativity to this day.

    In retrospect I don’t know how no one ever suspected or suggested it to me, I’m moderate combined and it’s caused me physical, financial and relationship issues in my past, I always just got called “aloof” or “head in the clouds”, I masked hard but that caused my issues outside of work and school, only have so much energy. I’m also certain one if not both of my parents have ADHD which might contribute to the late diagnosis, ADHD behaviours are totally normalised.