Interested in the intersections between policy, law and technology. Programmer, lawyer, civil servant, orthodox Marxist. Blind.

Interesado en la intersección entre la política, el derecho y la tecnología. Programador, abogado, funcionario, marxista ortodoxo. Ciego.

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • modulus@lemmy.mltoFirefox@lemmy.mlA Word About Private Attribution in Firefox
    11 hours ago

    I’d like people to STOP PRETENDING that the only plausible reason why someone doesn’t agree with this is that we don’t understand it. Yes, I understand what this does. The browser tracks which advertisements have been visited, the advertiser indicates to the browser when a conversion action happens, and the browser sends this information to a third-party aggregator which uses differential techniques to make it infeasible to deanonymise specific users. Do I get a pass?

    Yes, this is actively collaborating with advertising. It is, in the words of Mozilla, useful to advertisers. It involves going down a level from being tracked by remote sites to being tracked by my own browser, running on my own machine. Setting aside the issues of institutional design and the possibility for data leaks, it’s still helping people whose business is to convince me to do things against my interest, to do so more effectively.

  • I don’t have a complete solution, but I have a vector, and this is in the opposite direction, being, according to its own claims useful to advertisers.

    The solution passes through many things, but probably has to start by changing the perception of advertising as a necessary nuisance and into a needless, avoidable, and unacceptable evil. Collaboration does not help in this regard. Individual actions such as blocking advertising, refusing to accept any tracking from sites, deploying masking tools, using archives and mirrors to get content, consciously boycott any product that manages to escape the filtering, are good but insufficient.

  • modulus@lemmy.mltoFirefox@lemmy.mlA Word About Private Attribution in Firefox
    13 hours ago

    Whatever opinion you may have of advertising as an economic model, it’s a powerful industry that’s not going to pack up and go away.

    Fuck that. Not if we don’t make it. That’s precisely the point. Do not comply. Do not submit. Never. Advertising is contrary to the interests of humanity. You’re never going to convince me becoming a collaborator for a hypothetically less pernicious form is the right course of action. Never. No quarter.

    We’ve been collaborating with Meta on this,

    That makes it even worse.

    any successful mechanism will need to be actually useful to advertisers,

    And therefore inimical to humanity in general and users in particular.

    Digital advertising is not going away,

    Not with that attitude.

    but the surveillance parts could actually go away

    Aggregate surveillance is still surveillance. It is still intrusive, it still leverages aggregate human behaviour in order to harm humans by convincing them to do things against their own interest and in the interest of the advertiser.

    This is supposedly an experiment. You’ve decided to run an experiment on users without consent. And you still think this is the right thing–since you claim the default is the correct behaviour.

    I cannot trust this.

  • For me the weirdest part of the interview is where he says he doesn’t want to follow anyone, that he wants the algorithm to just pick up on his interests. It’s so diametrically opposed to how I want to intentionally use social networks and how the fedi tends to work that it’s sometimes hard to remember there are people who take that view.

  • Not sure I understand. What I’m trying to do is something like this:

    • Poll a stream which takes fedi events. Read player commands.
    • If an event comes from a known player, check which match they are into.
    • With that info, get their opponents/coplayers etc and perform the change of state in the game (send replies, next turn, etc).

    So what I have as a key is a player name (AP username) and from that I need to find which match they’re in.

    There’s nothing semantically useful about a match ID.

  • Thanks, the RC is a possible approach. It seems to violate DRY a bit but maybe there’s no way around it.

    The reason I had the players outside the match is that I need them there anyway, because when I get a player action I need to check in which match they are, who are their opponent(s) and so on. So even if they’re in, they’ll have to be out too as there are concurrent matches and the player actions come all through the same network stream.

  • modulus@lemmy.mltoLemmy@lemmy.mlRFC for Private Communities in Lemmy
    5 months ago

    I can think of alternatives. For example, the server could keep the user’s private key, encrypted with a passphrase that the user must have. So key loss wouldn’t be an issue. (Yes, passphrase loss might, but there are lots of ways to keep those safely already, compared to key material which is difficult to handle.)