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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • Maybe not, but capitalism and fascism want the same things. They don’t care about Biden’s age, just their wealth and not supporting anyone who threatens that. That’s why all the narrative around Biden’s age is all we get out of that debate. The wealthy own all means of communication.

    There’s a reason the saying, “the revolution will not be televised,” is relevant. I think you may be missing the plot a little as no one thinks CNN drugged or did anything else to Biden. But the media can make it so the national attention is on Biden. They want him replaced or they want tRump to win.

    They’re playing chess while a majority of Americans are fighting about who gets the white pieces and who gets the red ones [cause they’re playing checkers]!

  • Ding ding ding! Biden is a threat to the wealthy so the smear campaign is rich capitalists trying to replace Biden with someone they like more, or get tRump back in so they can get tax breaks. They care not for the dangers of fascism cause they’ll still make profit, but with fewer regulations and faster.

    Also, probably many of those implicated in the Epstein files are extremely wealthy and don’t want that info taking center stage at anytime. The wealthy like to see those bank account zeroes increase! Soon as you threaten that, they try to jail, replace, or “remove” them using their near infinite means. The same ones named in those files likely also own local news groups and can influence local and/or regional news.

  • Wouldn’t that be interesting? I know when I got COVID, the one time I got it in the last 4 years, it took me out for 3 straight days. I couldn’t imagine trying to do well in a debate while inundated with all that comes from COVID.

    Since the vaccines started becoming standard, infection rates have normalized and the current strains are much less harmful than the first (if vaccinated, if I recall). It’s possible that COVID could mimic similar symptoms to a cold and drastically influence debate performance. It would definitely explain the senility we witnessed.

    Bottom line is that Biden is old as fuck, we know, but the dude bikes and exercises while constantly barraged by people shouting he’s “too old” and “should drop out.” I think I would bomb a debate with all that shit, too! Add COVID to the mix and I’d probably want to die rather than debate a serial-liar.

  • I see a lot of the nay sayers as a vocal minority. They yell the loudest, but only because the media gives them a platform to generate clicks. Just like how Republicans believe everyone in the nation, who doesn’t worship satan, is pro-birth. Kansas, a deep red rural state proved otherwise with a vote to add abortion rights into their constitution a couple years ago, something their conservative supreme court just upheld.

    Honestly, the recent ruling on the Kansas ballot initiative, which quite frankly surprised me to begin with, shows that in some places judges still do their job even when their personal beliefs may differ from the law they are entrusted with interpreting. Kansas voters, you showed us the way and stood out against the backdrop of “conservative status quo.” Kansas showed, in the last two years, that when given a chance, even deep red states see the writing on the wall.

    I have a feeling the outcome of this election is going to be a “silent storm” event and wake-up call to the GOP that they are out of touch with what the people really want. They’ve drank the loud-mouth’s Kool-aid for far too long and won’t believe it when it happens.

    Think of it like the silent majority (maybe 80% of nationwide voters) is the massive tornado that took out the drive-in theater in the movie, Twister. In the movie, no one saw it until a random lightning strike shed light on the sheer girth of the monster bearing down on them. The GOP is the drive-in. The night of the election will be their lightning flash. We, the voters, will be the tornado.

  • Cite sources. You make claims up and down to the fact that third-parties have “influenced” elections [other than the spoiler effect, pulling votes from someone’s next preferred candidate]. So what third-party candidate has been shown to influence anything positively under our current system of voting.

    I tell ya, Putin must be running out of “the best and brightest” to the meat grinder in Ukraine if we’re left with you.