‘Useless sniveling little cunt’
That’s literally all it’d take.
You don’t have to be ableist to be insulting.
‘Useless sniveling little cunt’
That’s literally all it’d take.
You don’t have to be ableist to be insulting.
Good I hope chrome does get fucking run into the ground.
Maybe then chromium can have some actual independence and spread its wings.
I like to run ufw on all my machines but I’m also a tinfoil-hat wearing wacko who believes that no computer should ever really be trusted. Just trusted enough to do specific tasks.
If someone somehow busts into one of my VLANs, at least the other machines on that net will still have some sort of protection.
The real issues are capitalism and the lack of green energy.
If the arts where well funded, if people where given healthcare and UBI, if we had, at the very least, switched to nuclear like we should’ve decades ago, we wouldn’t be here.
The issue isn’t a piece of software.
I know that was part of my point. Thing was mostly finalized by my birth year lmao.
Also, little off-topic but, as important as it is to computing culture, some of the gatekeepy shit put in there aged like milk. But I kind of expect that from nerd culture, especially 20th century nerd culture.
Fpv has a very storied history, yet we don’t see these bombings in peacetime. Like fucking ever. Even in the U.S.
Its almost like pre-made drones are locked down and tracked, and homemade fpv quads take like 20 hours of sim time just to keep in the air.
That’s before we discuss the fact that the munitions Ukraine straps to them are unobtanium for normal people.
This is really cheap if you’re a military with a bunch of people, training facilities, and explosives, but still a big pain in the ass for anyone else. I guess if you have a really angry hobbiest with hundreds of man hours of flight time, and explosives knowledge you’re in danger.
The only RC hobbiest that pissed off I know lives in New Zealand.
Bit of an unhinged and unreasonable nerd rant but here it goes:
The second dot com boom in the 2010s ruined us. Like holy shit. As someone younger looking down the line, living in tech bro culture, but exposed to the likes of the jargon file, y combinator and their venture capitalists literally ruined hacker culture.
We used to have a thriving culture that cherished freedom, real freedom, not freedom for the rich. What happened to the culture that spawned Windows buyback day? What of the dream that networked freedom would one day break the chains of economic heirarchy?
Like holy fucking shit. If you’re not here for the love of the machine stop touching a compiler or better yet go loose your fucking hands.
The only solace is that the fuckers who are feeding us to the machine are the ones who are going to get minced first.
Spineless fucks.
The average person just needs to fall under a certain level of comfortability for all hell to break loose.
Unlike Hitler, this guy cant ‘fix’ the economy by going to war because any war big enough to bolster our already over bloated military budget would immediately end in MAD.
This isn’t a reason to act like its all gonna be okay, but I’d like to think we have a better shot than 1930’s Germany…
Publishers and companies will always want DRM
Developers should refuse to write malware.
I hate to say this but fucking good. Throwing random people in Gitmo wasn’t enough to piss the people off to do anything, because the only thing that would be enough is when they fuck with everyone’s money.
I hate the “fuck you I got mine” attitude so fucking much.
Steam does most of the fucking around for you these days.
Are they not both VoIP/Im clients?
Or is it only a viable alternative if they recreate the UI because god forbid it look different?
Well yeah in a better society where art was distributed freely and certain recreational substances weren’t illegal we wouldn’t need them.
That’s not the reality we live in today, however, nor will it be for a very long time, unfortunately.
Okay I get the hate for capitalism and global warming, but can we stop acting like anonymous payments for drugs and web hosting are a bad thing?
Do you like to get stoned and/or to trip balls? Do you like watching pirated movies? I fucking do at least, I imagine most people do lol.
Isn’t he?
What are you doing you’re regularly being attacked by children?
The issue isn’t higher paid from-home workers.
Its the leeches charging rent.
No I don’t think anyone is going to call a woman a sexist for calling a man a cunt.
Certainly not as much as they’d call her ableist for making fun of his wheelchair.