True, but I feel this change may be a bit deeper. Blockchain served very little purpose, beyond its trust. With AI i am seeing proof of concept projects coming in for distilling client briefs, ideation of concepts and even release planning. Not replacing the people yet, but making processes faster. And that is just in my industry. Marketing and advertising.
As a concept I would welcome a safe affordable male contraceptive and would use it if appropriate.
I would say that I would definitely evaluate the option very carefully. Especially in a committed relationship. Sometimes female birth control can bring benefits beyond just birth control, along with its drawbacks. My partner suffered from severe period cramps at a point in her life, where the birth control she used suppressed that. That said, it would actually be positive to have the option of a male contraceptive in a relationship. We share the pleasure and the responsibility. In the end, the safest option with the least side effects will probably win out. If that is a male contraceptive, so be it.
Outside of a committed relationship, condoms just makes more sense. I cannot imagine taking the risks associated with sex and not taking any precautions for it. Then again, my early 20s was spent in a country and area with a high prevalence of HIV, so not taking chances is ingrained due to that. It would also depend on just active a sex life we are dealing with.