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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023


  • lurker2718@lemmings.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    2 months ago

    The more self-sufficient you can be, the fewer societal resources you will take up, which could then go to someone else in greater need. That’s my perspective at least.

    But the more self-sufficient you are, the more resources of yourself you need to supply yourself. So you can provide less societal resources. If you do not need to provide clothes for yourself, you have more time caring for elderly, etc.

    As another view, the total resources need does not directly change by changing who does what. The advantages of helping each other are in the OP. At some point however, I would think, the overhead of organization grows so large that it may not be worth it anymore. Just think of the amount of work put into “useless” administration in many countries. But in a 30 person village, this is probably negligible.

    Edit: Thanks for helping other people on the feet!

  • lurker2718@lemmings.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldnuanceposting
    2 months ago

    I think your post is exactly what is criticized by OP. In the first part of the post it is explicitly stated men should not talk over the fear of women. A message like yours seems to blame people just because they criticize the way of discussion in some places. I think it is obvious that men are influenced in a possible negative way, when they are always seen as danger. At least for me it probably contributed to my low self esteem, especially in all sex/gender related topics. I think, we as men do so much harm, I don’t want to take part in this. But i took it to the extreme, so I was ashamed of everything sexual about me. But as OP said, all of this doesn’t invalidate the feeling of any woman. But for example this situation here is not governed by fear, still it seems you can’t discuss the social effects of this sentiment “against” man, without discrediting the other side. Sure, violence done mainly to women is the most important topic. But if men always get portrayed as danger, I can understand some are open to other, more misogynist worldviews.

  • lurker2718@lemmings.worldtoich_iel@feddit.deich🐮❓iel
    4 months ago

    Ja das stimmt, da hab ich aus der Physik kommend zu anwendendunsorient gedacht.
    Aber für die Frage ob komplexe zahlen gebraucht werden, reicht es, eine isomorphe alternative zu haben. Die komplexen Zahlen haben auch nicht mehr mit Quantenmechanik zu tun wie die Matrizen, nur sind sie leichter handzuhaben.

  • But also learn to feel your feelings by yourself.

    I agree completely with this stance

    If you need to talk a lot about your feelings, especially the deep stuff, talk to a therapist. That’s not brushing you off, it’s what therapy is for.

    While I agree that therapy can help a lot in those situations, I don’t think these talks should be limited to a therapist. I try to be somebody you can come to and talk about deep stuff for my friends. With one friend of mine, I mostly talk about deep feelings. It is great to have somebody like her, it’s a different category than therapy. A therapist shouldn’t give you his opinion and rarely shares similar experiences. Sometimes it’s just nice to have someone to talk to in a more symmetric way. For me it’s almost never a burden to listen to the emotions of people I like. I want to hear the deep stuff.
    Sure a friend is not a replacement for therapy, but therapy is also not a replacement for a friend with whom you talk about deep emotions.

  • This hits me hard. I am a cis male and currently trying to get rid of something like toxic masculinity, but as you say it is deeply rooted.

    I acually never strived for the stereotypical man image, I wanted to have an emotional side. Now i know i always just considered “having am emotional side” just as another kind of requirement to be a good man. So i tried listening to others and beeing open myself, talking about emotional things. But only those, that i thougt were accepted. I never talked about my real worries. They always seemed to ridiculous to me. A good emotially healthy man shouldn’t have them or solve them himself. Now it feels pretty dumb in retrospect, but I am no longer letting this feeling stop me from talking about something. In some way I also have the feeling i betrayed other people with a fake personality.

    I know this is not the mistake of feminism. I cannot really say what went wrong to land in this position. I do not even know why i tell this now. In some way, I just want to tell my story and hope someone can relate with it. Secondly i want to say, that the following is not obvious for everyone, at least it was not for me: Beeing emotional is not just some requirement for you, it’s also about having an opportunity to get support for your worries.

  • I just want to say, i loved Dragon’s Egg for this level of detail to the physics. I even did some quick calculations why you want 6 compensator masses not less to reduce the effect of tidal forces. Or the black holes inside the sun, at first i thougt, this is impossible. Then i read some more on it an noticed its well researched.

  • Ich hab den Hinweis auf diese Studie in Wikipedia gelesen, wonach steht:

    Auszug aus Wikipedia

    In einer Pressemitteilung stellte das Forschungsprojekt Life-Eurokite nach der Ausstrahlung des frontal-Berichts klar, „Diese Ergebnisse sind nicht per se auf die aktuelle Debatte um Todesursachen vom Rotmilan in Deutschland übertragbar (auch wenn dies im Beitrag so dargestellt wurde), da die Todesursachen in Europa ungleichmäßig verteilt sind. So treten bspw. Vergiftungen und illegale Abschüsse sowie der Stromschlag an Elektroleitungen in Deutschland wesentlich seltener auf als in anderen europäischen Staaten“ und kommt zum Schluss „Es ist zum derzeitigen Projektstand nicht auszuschließen, dass es in Zukunft zu Verschiebungen bei der Häufigkeit der Todesursachen kommt.“

    Soweit ich mich damit beschäftigt hab ist es nicht so klar wie ein kleines problem es wirklich ist. Deswegen ist es gut wenn weiter an diesen punkten geforscht wird. Ich stimme gern zu, dass das problem wesentlich übertrieben wird in der Gesellschaft. Und dass es den Ausbau der Windkraft nicht verlangsamen darf.

  • Der Vergleich hinkt. Die unterschiedlichen Ursachen treffen verschiedene Vogelarten deutlich anders. Für gewisse Arten (zb Rotmilan) macht Windkraft derzeit einige Prozent der durch Menschen verursachten Tode aus. Das ist derzeit noch kein großes Problem, wird allerdings die Windkraft hoffentlich stark ausgebaut, so ist es nicht mehr zu vernachlässigen. Damit sollte man sich auch jetzt schon Gedanken machen, wie das Problem verhindert werden kann.

    Natürlich heißt dass nicht dass deswegen der Windradausbau stark eingeschränkt werden soll Auch sollte nicht dieser Ursache des Sterbens mehr Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt wird wie den anderen Ursachen, was derzeit passiert. Aber nur die Summe der Vögel zu vergleichen macht meiner Meinung nach wenig Sinn, da diese sehr unterschiedliche Lebensweisen, Häufigkeiten und Gefährdungen haben.

  • Yes i am, because it is unimportant if the light comes from the sun or the moon or a 3km large satellite (assuming they would have the same radiance). It would be important if the power plant were ten times larger, the satellite would be closer or larger. However in this case the limit to the power is is the etendue of the light at the satellite. The maximum power is the etendue at the satellite times radiant flux of the sun.
    If you want a fun and interesting read which does explain a related “problem”, there is a relevant xkcd

    I could explain it to you in at least five different ways in detail, three of them i have already done in short here in the comments. However, you never argued directly against my point. You don’t talk to me seriosly but laugh about it.
    This is not what a serious disussion looks like like. If you want an explaination, i would be motiviated to take the time and explain it in detail.
    Note that i listened to your point, considered it and argued why it plays no role. You have not considered my explainations.

  • No i am talking about all the mirrors as one surface, no matter they are really one or consist of small pieces

    For the 65 W/m^2 i already used the size of the whole system, so all 10000 mirrors.

    The sun has a angular diameter of 32 arcmin. (see here) Hence, the rays hitting one point of the one mirror, have come from different angles, namly filling a circle with this angular diameter. By reflection, the directions of the rays changes. But rays hitting the same spot on the mirror which were misaligned before by 32 arcmin are also misaglined by 32 arcmin after the mirror, independent of its shape. Therefore, the rays emerging from the power plant diverege by at least 32 arcmin. This is not a problem for operation, as this leads to a size of 4.6 m at an estimated maximum distance of 500 m between tower and mirrors. When the mirrors point at a satellite however, a distance of 300 km leads to a beam diameter of 2.8 km calculation

    Even an ideal mirror can only project a point source onto a point. It is impossible to focus the rays of an extended source onto one point. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etendue if you want to know details. With conservation of etendue you can also calculate this in a similar way.

  • The problem is the size of the sun. If you could look at the sun (don’t, try the moon its approximately the same size in the sky), you see it has a relatively large angular size. Its not just a point in the sky.

    So the problem, the rays from one point of the sun are almost parallel. But the rays from the different points of the sun are not. So they also aren’t parallel after your mirror. They spread in an angle similar to the size of the sun on the sky. And this is much larger than a satellite. So you cannot focus all energy on a satellite.

  • It holds if the light spreads wider than the target. So also for directed light sources at large enough distances. Even a perfect mirror must spread the light in the same angle as it is incoming. Hence the beam would at least 3 km wide at the satellite. Therefore the satellite can only recieve a Illumination of ~65W/m^2 which is a few percent of the normal sun brightness of 1300 W/m^2 in space.

    Another way to look at it, the mirrors cant make the sun seem brighter only larger. From the tower you see a large solid angle around you the mirror, therefore, it can seem like you are at the surface of the sun. However, fro. the position of a satellite, the power plant only takes a small solid angle, so it seems like a “smaller” sun. Assuming 400 MW and 1 kW/m^2 (at surface) solar power, it has an area of 400000 m^2, so a solid angle of 4.5e-6 sr from 300km while the sun has 70e-6 sr. So ten times smaller, therefore weaker. Note however here i did not account for attenuation in the atmosphere

  • It holds if the light spreads wider than the target. So also for directed light sources at large enough distances. Even a perfect mirror must spread the light in the same angle as it is incomming. Hence the beam would at least 3 km wide at the satellite. Therefore the satellite can only recieve a Illumination of ~65W/m^2 which is a few percent of the normal sun brightness of 1300 W/m^2.

    Another way to look at it, the mirrors cant make the sun seem brighter only larger. From the tower you see a large solid angle around you the mirror, therefore, it can seem like you are at the surface of the sun. However, fro. the position of a satellite, the power plant only takes a small solid angle, so it seems like a “smaller” sun. Assuming 400 MW and 1 kW/m^2 (at surface) solar power, it has an area of 400000 m^2, so a solid angle of 4.5e-6 sr from 300km while the sun has 70e-6 sr. So ten times smaller, therefore weaker. Note however here i did not account for attenuation in the atmosphere

  • I cannot recommend mindfulness enough, as already suggested by many others in this thread.

    I think, you said you are already in therapy? In this case, I would definitely talk with your therapist about this and things you want to adopt beforehand. If you want a simple concrete tip, you could try the “mindfulness coach” by the US department of veteran affairs. I liked it a lot and the apps from there get good privacy recommendations from mozilla.

    I am a bit suprised by the many people recommending to just stop giving fucks. Is this what you really want? Or do you just want avoid the emotions of taking control?

  • You do not need to be that hard to yourself when your feeling “wrong”. Yes it is probably better for yourself if you don’t overreact. However you cannot really cotntrol your feelings. So it is still better to accept your anger. First, as you said, it drives up the frustration, because now you are also worried about your feelings. And second your original emotion wants to be “noticed”. I read and experienced a few times myself, the “wrong” emotion disappears often quickly when you accept it. It is an essential concept of mindfulness, to accept your emotions.

    Edit: As far as i understand it and experienced it, saying to yourself “no i shouldn’t be angry about this” won’t change your thinking

  • lurker2718@lemmings.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldIt's cheaper is what it is
    7 months ago

    I think I understand you. I also think there are needs for extreme emotional response. However, I would be interested how often they helped you in, and how often the only effect of these was making you feeling worse?

    I did some therapy in this direction. And I am generally more content. I can enjoy way more time of my life than a year ago, even in similar situations.
    But if we talk about the status of the world, I am at least as angry and sad as before. And I also do at least as much to change it as before. Which, to be honest, is not as much as I would like.

    Edit: I think I can actually experience emotions more intense now, while not being overwhelmed by them.