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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月8日


  • In other words, if you don’t want to pay more for fast food, then you don’t actually want to see fast food workers earn a better wage.

    If a business relies on exploitation, it shouldn’t exist. If paying the workers a living wage means raising the prices beyond a sustainable level for the business, this business shouldn’t exist. If a business pays out millions in bonuses to it’s executives while the workers are relying on government subsidies, the business shouldn’t exist.

  • Colorline verkauft sich gerne als luxuriöse Fähre, schlussendlich sind die Fähren aber Mittel zum Zweck. Für reine Vergnügung sind die Überfahrten zu teuer, wenn man wirklich an einer “vernünftigen” Kreuzfahrt interessiert ist, bucht man sowas nicht. Die Überfahrt ist etwas mehr Vergnügen als wenn man einfach nur in einer normale Fähre sitzt, bei einer Fahrtzeit von 20h aber auch notwendig.

    Wenn man mit dem Auto nach Norwegen muss ist diese Fährverbindung auch eine der einzigen Alternativen. Ansonsten gibt es Hirtshals <-> Larvik als Fähralternative, da muss man aber deutlich länger Auto fahren oder man fährt komplett durch Dänemark und Schweden. Je nach Zweck der Reise ist Kiel <-> Oslo die womöglich wirtschaftlichste und umweltfreundlichste Alternative.

  • In the small grocery store around the corner where I live the cashier’s are listening to music, having phone calls with their earplugs in or watching videos with their phones lying near the register. The work is boring and repetitive, customer interaction is quite minimal there anyway because they are really fast in ringing you up anyway. And that’s everything I care about anyway. They can enjoy their day a bit more and I can get to doing what I enjoy fast, too.

  • The total mass of reactants in the fusion chamber is below milligram, some of which is bound in stable isotopes. Even if all of it escaped, it would be far from catastrophic.
    The reaction itself cannot run away on its own because it requires a delicate balance in temperature and density, which will be immediately disturbed if there was a breach in containment.

    The walls will be activated by neutrons, but short of blowing the reactor up, there’s not much chance of materials escaping in a significant amount to pose a danger.

  • If anything has been consistent about fusion its always them desperately trying to spin babysteps and monumental leaps forward

    That’s usually the media outlets sensationalising the results to the point where the articles are grossly misleading.

    trying to make themselves seem super clean and safe especially compared to fission.

    That’s just a fact, no need to try. The Fusion process is inherently safe the radioactive byproducts are generally short lived and easier to handle.

  • Man kann den Supermärkten schlecht vorwerfen, wirtschaftlich zu handeln. Im Gegenteil, KI so zu nutzen, dass weniger Lebensmittel weggeschmissen werden müssen, halte ich für eine gute Sache. Mit alles kann gespendet werden und der Rest landet dann im Müll und wird nicht weiterverwendet. Dass ausgerechnet die Tafeln die Leidtragenden sind, ist schlecht, aber dass wir die Tafeln überhaupt brauchen, um Hunderttausende am Existenzminimum lebende zu versorgen, ist ein Armutszeugnis unseres Sozialstaates.

  • As soon as you leave the city though, you’re having a problem. Bicycle infrastructure is basically non-existent, cars heavily impeding buses - at least where I live - which delays them all the time and centralised bus hubs, which means that you always have to go to the bus hub first, change bus lines and then go to your destination.

    This is also my biggest problem with the metro in Oslo. If you live slightly outside of Oslo but still along the metro line, the only way to travel perpendicular to the metro lines is often to take the metro towards the city, change lines and go back almost the same direction you came from.

  • In 2022, it was ruled that the BfV may classify and monitor the entire party as a suspected right-wing extremist group. A corresponding lawsuit by the AfD was dismissed because “there were sufficient factual indications of anti-constitutional efforts within the AfD”.[36] On 26 April 2023, the BfV, after four years of investigations into the Young Alternative for Germany, categorized that group as a confirmed extremist organization. This allowed the chief of the BfV Thomas Haldenwang to place the youth wing under even more intensive surveillance than the tapping of phone and the use of undercover agents that had been the case until then.[45][46]


    Just summarizing here. They are right wing extremists that have taken over old Nazi talking points and are gaining popularity with anti immigration, anti climate change and populist propaganda.