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Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • “My mother and father were visiting us from Chennai, India with the sole purpose of spending time with their grandson,” the parents wrote in a statement provided by the Special Investigations Unit (SIU). “We are at a complete loss of words to describe the agony and vacuum in our hearts knowing we can never hold our child Aditya Vivaan, who gave us so many precious memories in such a short time, in our hands again,” Manivannan and Jawahar added. “His small toys and clothes remain spread around our home, and we have no courage in us to even enter our home which is filled with our only son’s memories. My parents had arrived in Canada only two days before the tragedy.”

  • I really hope this is the start of a massive increase in pressure on the rich, government and those who rip us off on the daily. We’re notoriously bad at voting with our wallets and protesting but practice makes perfect.

    It’s very obvious those in power and those with wealth have had a super easy and uncontested time (much of that they engineered for themselves and we let it happen) so when faced with pushback, they feel very uncomfortable.

    Let’s keep it up and shed our nice nature. We need to make a stink at every turn. Culture wars and social issues are absolutely important but this is about our money and our daily lives, we have to learn how to get serious about this before even more is taken away.

    Anything to do with controlling the internet I fear is the start of real censorship. A new “occupy wall/Bay Street” that actually has teeth this time is a legit threat.