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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2024


  • My fellow internaut, I am keenly afraid I will have to disagree. Some of us old folks were raised by less than stellar parents that whacked our knuckles whenever they detected a minimum deviation of perfect grammar.

    The wake of the ordeal stuck with us forever.

    Ok, more seriously: you type how you type, and as long as you are not trying to impose your own rules on others, you should be fine.

    having said that i despise the total lack of punctuation drives me really really nuts why cant you use at least commas periods and question marks you fucks

  • “It’s less steps” is not the point.

    The point is that a lot of people will never ever use a terminal. EVER. And if they have to do that just to install a program, that’s already asking too much. They’re used to pointing, clicking, double-clicking and typing for communication.

    Imagine if you’re used to driving cars and filling up the gas tank, well, the usual way. Now there’s this new tinkerer’s car that everyone is raving about. And your dad asks “how do I fill up the gas tank?” (or recharge the battery, or whatever), and someone says “oh, just go under the car and plug the cable into the orange slot right behind the left back axle. It’s that easy!”