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Vidya / videojuegos. Internet. Cats / Gatos. Pizza. Nap / Siesta.

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  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • How long do you think copyright should be?

    No easy solutions but my general guideline would be that both copyright and patents should never last more than half the retirement age of a current generation, calculated via actuarial tables or some trustable scientific method.

    The rationale is simple: the ultimate purpose of both is (or, well, should be) to promote creation so that society in general can be participant of the resulting effects. Half the retirement age not only is a good compromise between giving creator control and giving at least half of society the opportunity to enjoy the public good result of creation within their lifetime and within their fair opportunity to earn wages, in particular in such cases as eg.: big pharma and medications, but also promotes that big creators, such as corporations, act towards the public good of lengthening life and providing good living standards for the rest of society.

  • I mean, that for the most part makes sense. Although in that case, wouldn’t it have been reported that “no one attended the party but the food and the snacks were somehow missing”?

    That said. Unsure how exactly it went but I read somewhere that if you had the power of True Invisibility, that is being undetectable at any wavelength of light, then you’d basically be able to simulate negative mass, and from there to “time travel” it’s kind of a straight line.