This is the true face of Musk, who is stuck perpetually in the mindset of a melodramatic 15 y/o.
This is the true face of Musk, who is stuck perpetually in the mindset of a melodramatic 15 y/o.
Your paranoia seems lamentable as I take it that you confuse me with your interlocutor. I was hoping that you would expand on your position in a less heated side-conversation. Apparently that hope was in vain. Good luck on your crusade to educate the renitent.
Can you explain to me - an uninvolved fellow fedditor - how helping working class people out of their debt traps is bad? I understand that this is just circling money around people who don’t need it as badly as the poorest of the poor globally speaking and that this is just combating the symptoms instead of the sickness but for the individuals supported that way, is there any specific catch associated that does make this support ring hollow?
Gotcha. Read up on that, if they would not have consented had they not been deceived seems to be the typical issue to rule on these cases.
would need to be further defined if informed consent can only happen if you know and can verify the personal details of your potential partner. I doubt that is the scope of it and courts would rule that you consent to the act, not necessarily to the identity of your partner beyond what is apparent to you. This is different to for example getting married to an individual intending to mislead you.
Coz there never could be a new user calling you out. Sheesh. Less egocentrism dude.
This is not a reductio ad absurdum. You didn’t reduce anything to an absurd caricature. This is a false equivalency and you made a fool out of yourself.
There is a good case to be made that consumers need to be aware of their habits and if they are or are not supporting exploitation with them. But it isn’t on the individual consumer if practices continue. It is on the consumer rights advocates and lawmakers to tackle the issue and galvanize those they represent for support.
So next time you see somebody being blindly consumerist, maybe instead of attacking them you try to sway them to support a more proactive stance towards doing their part.
He tries to run diplomatic relations like he would be dealing with NYC mobsters. That man is entirely unsuited for office. The US population which elected him has shown to be unsuited for the leadership role they claim their country has. That’s the reality the rest of the world is facing. The US is a troubled state and an unreliable ally. Moreover, they are acting in the interests of adversarial nations to world peace and prosperity. Other nations who did that have been deemed rogue or terrorist states.
This is called ‘stochastic terrorism’. Publicly painting people in the most outrageous light until some of your acolytes feel called upon to realize the supposedly non-commital threats you made.
Fuck Trump. Fight the fascists.
Small addendum: As fascists often seek to indoctrinate the population into longing for a natural order only they (the fascists) can provide, a minority of relatively niche needs is the ideal target to demonstrate this supposed ‘nature’ in order to obtain the perceived moral right to structure society as they see fit. That science and society do not actually reflect this ‘nature’ is irrelevant. The enemy has been created.
I am actually quite relieved about it, as it demonstrates that germany is not just appeasing israel by the bon mot of “never again”. It is actually taken seriously. Despite a bunch of eastern germans voting for neo-nazis because they are undereducated, economically disadvantaged and clearly living in an information bubble.
We are fighting literal fascists. Do you really think blaming the non-fascists will prevent these dishonest actors from doing their worst to ruin your life? It is by far the stupidest and most unhelpful position to blame the failings of the democratic position for the rise of the autocrats, when the latter are actively working to get into power.
So you like giving some random company access to your OS kernel?
You don’t need that for anticheat software and the security risks involved in this day and age practically forbids it.
So you never heard of the og FFXIV debacle?
This is yet another predatory cheap asiagrinder with an invasive kernel level ‘anticheat’. Stuff like this should not be promoted. At all.
He is a traitor by definition.
Precisely this. Once this trust has been lost and the ‘G6’ face a world where they cannot count on the US, geopolicies will change and the US will not be perceived trustworthy anytime soon. As it stands, it will be considered yet another global power with anti-democratic tendencies, policies that endanger world piece and disrupt the common pursuit for prosperity and is considered best kept in check.
This seems to be just a small footnote in the absurdity of modern day america, but it shows the self-indulgent ignorance of some americans in regards to what kind of country they are actually establishing. A ‘Dr. Phil’, barely relevant, becomes reporter on the pointless but exceedingly disruptive and cruel deportation policy for the one thing he really cares about: attention. Because attention is currency for a media personality and he cares for his currencies. Not for his society or country.
THIS is the reality of the USA. Everybody feels entitled to pursue their riches without regard to their neighbour.
Always keep in mind how the russian disinformation tries to paint Zelenskyy as a corrupt clown, installed to fleece the country in the name of the west.
If clowning around and fleecing the country means having this much endurance to steer the country through an invasion by a bigger and better equipped adversary, then I cannot imagine what an actually determined Zelenskyy would look like.
Fuck the russian disinformation and fuck Trump.
It didn’t come out of nowhere and it isn’t surprising. It’s part of the fascist playbook to demonize that which they cannot subordinate to their cult of machismo and their fairytale of a golden past.