I couldn’t help but read this in my head with a thick southern country accent.
I couldn’t help but read this in my head with a thick southern country accent.
To that mother:
Yes, but I was thinking of a system with more … granularity and resolution. Maybe take the flight tracker and add to it, like noting the color of the vehicle he got in and its plate number. For research. Let’s say it’s to help calculate his efficiency with tax payer dollars.
If it’s not already a thing we should start a live tracker of Elon’s current or last known whereabouts. For academic purposes.
Ooo yeah good point. Smoking is another big one that makes people look older quicker.
Ah I see! If sensory issues are impeding your desire to protect your skin while outdoors, (it’s not a perfect solution or substitution but) have you/can you use a lined umbrella? It might look strange to use when the weather is clear and sunny in some parts (like here in the US) but I know for a fact there are droves of people that do just this in China and Japan.
Coming from a guy that is in his thirties and still occasionally gets acne breakouts; while I also don’t think looking young and baby faced is the best most desirable thing, I do prefer to look younger rather than older.
Case in point: when I was 29 there was a job I was in orientation for with dozens of other people and on the second or third day we were split into separate tables/groups. The table I chose happened to have guys that were younger than me, but the funniest and most confidence boosting moment came when I got to know the stern older looking guy across from me (my initial guess for him was at least 35 years old).
Turns out he served in the army and spent a good deal of time outside, in the sun and so on. I thought he would appreciate good ol slapstick humor so when I threw out a joke, I referenced The Waterboy movie. He got the joke but looked a bit confused and asked me how old I was, noting the old movie, and his face of shock was priceless when he found out I was older than he was (he was 27) yet younger looking hahahaha. The others told me I could pass for someone in their teens.
Anywho, maybe in addition to acne, I think keeping hydrated and taking care to properly protect your skin from sunlight/burn is also a key “secret” ingredient. That being said, I would never go so far as to even consider things like Botox injections to appear younger.
In that annoyingly smug and stupid tone, replete with agape fish-mouth expression and emphatic hand gestures:
“ It was a day of much love, great people, all very fine people, exercising their 1st amendment rights. A shame Mike Pence wasn’t there, like I was planning on being. Did I say that out loud? Oh well, when you’re rich and famous democracy will let you grab it by the pussy. “
If I ever get the chance to heckle jd vance in person, I’d happily use my defcon 1 voice to make sure he feels uncomfortable, shamed, and involuntarily pees his pants.
Hey whoa, hammers catching strays. I’m no tradesman myself but hammers are quite useful (when used appropriately) and have a number of uses outside of just driving home nails. Edit* <insert Dr. Evil-esque laugh>
Making up figures/numbers … smh. Nineteen eighty-four gets more relevant by the day.
Another Texan here. Even though this bill (hopefully) has little chance to be passed into law, do our legislators have nothing better to do than moan about a tiny percentage of the population of which don’t cause any harm to others??
After reading this comment, I downloaded it and am liking it so far. Thanks for spreading the word about it!
Long long maaaaaaaaan
As a US citizen and Canada/Ukraine/EU/democracy supporter; I pray someone or some group finally takes off all kiddie gloves and gives trump (and thereby me and others in the country as collateral) a divine smackdown to finally make that fucker or at least those close to him realize the world and history won’t stand for his/their fascist putin titty-sucking antics.
As long as elon and trump pledge to chug first.
I have a terrible fear of snakes but I loved how cute this was. Which reminds me, I need to set a filter for snakes. Can I also filter out pictures of snakes in general (still new to lemmy/fediverse)?
I despise religion because it is indoctrination, but I am surprised and glad to see not all in Texas are jumping at the idea of crippling public education.
Shit, I’m angry for you. You come off as totally sensible and preaching facts to the choir.
Drives me mad how we have not thrown down greedy medical practices in favor of universal healthcare yet 🙄 but I guess that’s too close to the socialist sun 😒
I wouldn’t mind that at all lol has a nice ring to it. But I would feel insulted if I don’t get treated well in a city where I’m a saint.