You are right
You are right
It is still a democracy, but that democracy is in crisis. You will know over the next 2/years if it will survive, although the next federal election will be the real test.
Democracies can recover if they keep their representation.
It is capitalist perspective, but not propaganda.
If there is meant to be capitalist competition then the competitors should not be massively funded by the government. China massively funds their electric car industry, principally because they own them.
That said, US carmakers get Government bailouts all the time.
Sunday is the first day for those who inherited Saturday as a holy day.
If I can copy and paste with thought having to install the offline plugin, then I’m in.
Americans are fucked. Political disagreement to be classified as a mental disorder? Y’all skipped the Hungary and Russia steps, and went straight to NK.
That graph bar is where the battle of propaganda will be waged. Millions will be put in against joining, as an isolated Canada is better for the Russians and the Americans.
Where would you put enforcement and review for such rules?
This. The narcissistic crisis of a man his age is all consuming. He doesn’t care about the external as long as he can play a game with it that he can use to maintain his internal. Anybody who knows this game can play him.
We all want accountability and authenticity, but if you are going to suggest something like that, you at least have to consider the mechanism needed, and how difficult it would be to get it right.
Approval ratings only impact elections
Google kind of went downhill
Spumoni. They even make that anymore. Probably only in the Mediterranean area.
It’s a slippery slope fallacy to suggest that supporting Ukraine means that they will be enlisted and sent to the front lines.
far down the slippery slope on this one.
“Faux pas” - you day didn’t smile while eatng the poop that we served you.
The Tarrifs are against the trade agreements.
It is my understanding the US aid is restored after the Ukraine capitulation to the support blackmail.
All of the people there are now classified as Indigenous