• 7 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2022


  • I disagree two-fold. At least in the deep South where I’m from, the rise in popularity of the idea of the rapture did not cause Christians to be any less fervent in their rush to convert everyone else. It did not make the vast majority of them self-isolate at all. The author’s viewpoint is likely affected by his parents making him live in a commune. Secondly, even if evangelicalism is moving in some new directions lately, I don’t think the idea of the rapture is falling out of fashion at all. Christians have no problem with both thinking they should assist in bringing about the end of the world and also believing that the rapture can happen any second. As we all know, cognitive dissidence never bothered them anyway.

    For some of them, it’s not even cognitive dissonance. They believe certain things must happen before for the rapture can happen. Most of them believe these things have already happened or will soon™, though.

  • By the purest definition (being aware that you are dreaming), I lucid dream nearly every night. I never did anything special to achieve this.

    But, it’s not as fun as they make it sound. At some point, my mind started resisting me. Sure, I can do anything I want… sometimes. However, most of the time, anything I change goes back to the way is was immediately.

    I also used to be able to wake myself up while lucid dreaming. For instance, maybe I would be aware that I am napping, and I need to wake up. So, I would. But, my mind now resists that as well. When I try to wake myself up, sometimes I just wake up into another dream. And, for whatever reason, I am not aware that I am dreaming in the new dream.

    None of this upsets me too much, but it is annoying. I think it may be related to some sort of mild, generalized sleeping disorder I have. I experience sleep paralysis and insomnia episodes, but they’ve never been frequent or upsetting enough for me to seek treatment.