• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Exactly. No UKIP or Reform in 2019, and 43.6% for Tory. A lot of vote was anti Corybn. A lot of the vote was hope for Boris’s leveling up.

    In 2024, I think most of the crazy right was already reform. The remaining Tory vote were voting for Tory of old, mostly centre right.

    If by the next election, they have been through complete Faragification, I think they will get less again. Partly their base dying off and not being replaced and partly them driving away anyone near the centre. I think they do this for an election or two before a new Cameron comes to detoxify the party again.

  • Someone got to say it…

    There is no Debian if everything was a pile of Snaps/Flatpack/Docker/etc. Debian is the packaging and process that packaging is put through. Plus their FOSS guidelines.

    So sure, if it’s something new and dev’y, it should isolate the dependencies mess. But when it’s mature, sort out the dependencies and get it into Debian, and thus all downstream of it.

    I don’t want to go back to app-folders. They end up with a missmash of duplicate old or whacky lib. It’s bloaty, insecure and messy. Gift wrapping the mess in containers and VM, mitigates some of security issues, but brings more bloat and other issues.

    I love FOSS package management. All the dependencies, in a database, with source and build dependencies. All building so there is one copy of a lib. All updating together. It’s like an OS ecosystem utopia. It doesn’t get the appreciation it should.

  • A lot of vagueness. How many is “Hundreds”? I guess under 700 or it would be “nearly a thousand”.

    Then “About a fifth of respondents said they had either decided to spoil their ballot paper or were considering doing so, among them Sharon”. How do we know Sharon is reflective of the others? We don’t.

    It seams like picture painted with not a lot of data, from a self selecting group, that is being cherry picked. Maybe it’s reflective, but I got no way of knowing it’s even reflective of the few hundred who wrote to The Guardian about it.

    This writer got an axe to grind?