• 187 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Every character is important in AI, including the spaces between words and punctuation. “Womens” is not a word in English. Women is already the plural form of woman. There must be 's to denote the possessive ownership.

    In generative AI, the tools to monitor the tokenized model input are more challenging to view as these tools are not integrated into Automatic1111 or ComfyUI by default like how the feature is integrated into Oobabooga Textgen for LLM’s. Monitoring the tokenized input for the model would show how the word was either omitted entirely or was broken into the simplified single letters, or at least that is how LLM’s do tokenization.

    You should always keep in mind that every word and style you use in a prompt, must correlate with tags that were trained with the image. Many models are trained with natural language sentences, so they have some degree of natural language processing. It is not complex in the same natural language processing as a text to text model where there are complex special tokens that connect the input to the output.

    The way tokens are processed is a major aspect of the evolution of generative AI. For instance, the first stable diffusion 1.x models use CLIP G, which is a very small language processing model. The SDXL models use a dual processing setup with CLIP G and CLIP L used in tandem. The last Stable Diffusion model, SD3, uses a triple processing setup that uses G, L, along with a full T5xxl text to text large language model. I haven’t gone super in depth trying to understand the codebase from SD3, but there is something weird happening with the T5 where SD3 is swapping an entire tensor layer each time the model loads instead of shipping a pretrained model or using a LoRA layering scheme. Safety with generative AI is different from LLM’s. It is not part of the model in the same way that safety works for a LLM. I found it fascinating how SD3 omits human genitalia and started looking into the code for ComfyUI as a result because this behavior is deterministic and therefore not part of the actual tensor tables maths. The behavior centers around the T5 model… Anyways, I’m getting stupid technical on a tangent… What I meant to say is that the text processing and tokenization of the model is external to the tensor tables of the actual generative model. If the processing scheme is complex enough, it might be possible to error correct the prompt, but it is best to assume that the prompt will be exactly as it was submitted.

  • j4k3@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlBest universities for women?
    2 days ago

    I’d be looking more at interests and leaders in those interests if possible. Red States don’t do much leading in anything relevant. It sucks to be looking at what one’s life interests might be like at such a young age.

    Personally, I’d be looking at who is closest to TSMC, Intel, Samsung, etc., and focus on getting into schools and programs that lead to semiconductor fabs. There is a lot of money and investment in that space.

  • There is a massive difference between rules and authoritarianism. You don’t know your history very well. Feudalism started when the larger government failed to adequately protect provencal farmers. People simply picked up and moved closer to people that were rich enough to afford a few armed security guards. Eventually, this relocation enriched these lords to the extent that the people in their region lost all of their rights to everything. They didn’t own land, tools, or even their right to relocate.

    The only change that happened was trusting these minor authorities to simply do the right thing. This is how Roman Citizens became medieval serfs. The biggest lesson to learn from their history is to never give up your autonomy. Make all the rules you want. Don’t steal my property and autonomy. It is my right to choose.

    I don’t even own a car, or drive. This is a fundamental cognitive failure of a generation blatantly repeating errors of the past. Those errors are very likely to cause hundreds of years of sociopolitical regression. We will be loathed for centuries to come because of our blind stupidity. Giving up autonomy is burning Rome. It won’t be clearly seen for a long time, but it will be called neo digital feudalism. You will own nothing, because you did not recognize the blood that bought your autonomy or your descendants that will pay it again on the other side of the terrible age you’ve opened them up to endure. It has nothing to do with driving and everything to do with fundamental citizenship and democracy. Those two aspects are directly and irrefutably connected through the legislature. Once precedent is established, the grey areas tilt the table over time. Eventually, you area serf once again. It is absolutely essential to maintain autonomy to have democracy.

  • You don’t own a car in this dystopia. This solves nothing. Anyone with a brain can defeat such systems. I can easily place an Arduino in between any sensor to buffer the data as I choose. This will not impact everyone equally, but it will make things much worse. Your autonomy is being stollen from you. This is your citizenship in an egalitarian democracy. Authoritarian is always a mistake of epic proportions. It is never the positive benefit that the sophists spin. We are on the precipice of a massive shift in the world order that is on par with the events of WW2. Giving up your autonomy is the dumbest and most incompetent of moves. Russians dying and invading their neighbors is a great example of a group or people with no autonomy. Giving anyone such monitoring and power over your property has an avalanche effect of legal precedence.

    You’re increasing the cost and complexity of your car with a system that will make any used car market disappear. This is already happening with cars built after 2014 with proprietary systems that make no sense in the low margin second hand market. This move is making the poorest people exponentially worse off in the long run. It is making small businesses much harder to create. This is a massive move against the poor and creating a large void in wealth disparity for a none issue in the first place.

  • Privacy measures prevent labeling anyone as a criminal. People have always had the ability to speak in person with the same amount of ambiguity to the law. Real police work is required. Sure the scope of communication is larger, but that correlates with the scope of individual activities. There is just as much information to work with as there has always been. The problem is corrupt governments that want to steal autonomy in this disgusting neo feudal dystopia. Any sophist spinning this nonsense about mass surveillance should be feared and loathed. This is the way you create a Kremlin in a police state. This is how you find yourself invading another country for no reason, when you have no desire to kill your neighbors in such sanctioned murder and get yourself a ticket in a mass grave. Autonomy is everything. It is egalitarianism; a cornerstone of democracy; the fulcrum of enslaved servitude.

  • I used to dream of doing casting like this. Just before I was disabled 10 years ago, I had all the supplies on hand to build my first sand casting setup. Watching this, there is no chance in hell I would have been successful in my first half dozen attempts. It is funny to me; watching Cody I feel comradery with his apparent financial means, but having all that space available to play in seems like a rich luxury at this point. Also, seeing his education and background seem to have little value in the real world.

  • j4k3@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.ml
    4 days ago

    Slowly over time you learn what you need when you need it. There is no hand holding. Under the surface, this thing is very complex. Every aspect of Linux is public. You do not need to understand most of it, but this is the realm of many brilliant developers and most computer science students, especially those studying operating systems. Everyone is welcome here, but be aware that all levels are present.

    The vast majority of Linux is not related to desktop users. Linux is more common on servers and embedded devices like routers, cars, and industrial/enterprise equipment. People are happy to help you learn when you hit a wall, but no one wants to be your tech support.

    Distros are not brands or marketing. They all have a specific reason to exist and specialties. Learning what these specialties are and how to leverage them for things like documentation for any specific task can make a big difference in your overall experience.

    It is quite common for people to call it Linux, but you are unlikely to interact with kernel space very much. Your actual experience is mostly limited to the desktop environment and applications.

    Since you are on a Debian > Ubuntu derivative, you are on a distro that may have outdated dependencies in some cases, especially with outlier software. Terms like outdated and stable/unstable are not at all what they seem at first intuitive thought. Windows is a stable OS, which really means it has outdated dependencies in most cases too. Distros like Fedora or Arch are kept up to date with the latest kernel and dependencies. If your software you want to run is actively developed and kept up to date, these are the best distros to run. If your software is static, these distros may break it and create headaches. By contrast, if your software is kept up to date but you are on a stable distro, either the distro packager may keep the needed libraries up to date or you need to go to the extra effort required to update stuff yourself by adding a PPA to your Aptitude sources list. This is important to understand because, if you are following documentation for some package using the internet, that documentation may be for a much newer version than what is available in the distro natively. This mostly applies to edgy software when you’re doing something specific that is not super common. The practical way to think about this is that Debian stable is primarily created as a way for developers to create some device that will be used online for a specific task and uses many high level software packages. Once the thing is working, the developer knows that the packages they used are not going to get updated arbitrarily and break what they created, while the device is still going to receive all the needed security updates to remain online safely for as long as the kernel is supported by the Debian team. This is beneficial for small one off devices and subcontracted types of development without a full time dev. Understanding this paradigm will massively improve your overall experience. I had a lot of frustration before I understood that much of what I was using was outdated and why when I first started using Ubuntu over 10 years ago.

  • Dry with pickled onions and some chicken.

    I absolutely hate salads, but that is what I ate 5 days a week when I worked for a chain of bike shops. It’s how I lost my last bit of weight to get under 7% back when I was racing. Going from 350lbs to 220lbs wasn’t super hard while just commuting to work, and training/racing casually. Going from 220lbs to under 190lbs was super hard for me. Eating something I could barely tolerate meant I only ate what I absolutely needed because I was freaking starving… So, to me, while I hate salads, if I’m eating one, it is for a specific reason, and if I’m objective about that reason, I’m going to fit my opinion to what best meets those goals. Therefore, my favorite salad is the one I can only barely tolerate and will eat, but only as much as I absolutely must. Like seriously, I brought my lunch into my office and would eat a few bites over the course of hours. That too is a major aspect of real weight loss. How much you eat at any given point in time is very important.