Bit strange giving digital awards for their past games, not a big issue as I am sure some still play but still, seems, backwards?
hi I’m fLu
Bit strange giving digital awards for their past games, not a big issue as I am sure some still play but still, seems, backwards?
I only recall finding a few through the campaign, wish I had found more as they are really cool. Just like the Vistas Guild Wars 2 added in to their game, a nice little break from killing shit, although, they added some form of completion award into finding them which I don’t believe Diablo does. Perhaps if they weaved them in to the overall Renown system people would look for them more?
I agree, I tend to stick around the ToW and stash any gear I may need to properly review until I am done farming, at which point I return to a big town like Kyovashad or similar and mill around there until I have done everything I need to.
I think #1 adequately represents the chance of nothing happening, which is pretty high all things considered.