I write things on my blog sometimes https://fasterandworse.com/

  • 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • this project intrigues me because we’re able to see the brainstorm doc that he believes is shareworthy, combined with a reasonably slick website and a careers page.

    There is no open position for a “product designer” or any kind of role that would be interested in concretely working on addressing the clear problem statement in the brainstorm doc. I have to assume there isn’t anyone in the group doing that already because they would not let a brainstorm doc be published like that, as if it has any value.

    This is what bothers me so much about iterative design culture and the “doing something is better than nothing” mantra. It makes out that identifying the problem/purpose is the assignment, and undermines the REAL design work of coming up with a good response to that purpose.

    If this project gets off the ground, they’ll start building and they’ll hire UX designers and they’ll just make something that resembles an online school and focus on making sure it has blockchains and nfts and all that shit, and the whole concept of “design” will be relegated to user acceptance and finding frictions to remove.

    At no point will anyone sit down and say “how can we effectively address illiteracy in developing countries” and find out why, what, how, and all the barriers, all the realities, the complexities, the options for means to achieve certain things, all the DESIGN.

    Its no different for everything else in tech, they all start from this point where nothing was initially designed beyond throwing together an idea and iterating it into a behemoth that needs an army of staff to groom its hair and clip its toenails. The people given design titles (ux designers, product designers) are not answering to an overarching design or any principled basis for design.

    it should also be said that the giggle academy is probably a publicity thing for CZ’s character

  • I found this article last week about AI bullshit written in 1985 by Tom Athanasiou and published in the, also new to me, Processed World zine.

    The world of artificial intelligence can be divided up a lot of different ways, but the most obvious split is between researchers interested in being god and researchers interested in being rich. The members of the first group, the AI "scientists,‘’ lend the discipline its special charm. They want to study intelligence, both human and "pure’’ by simulating it on machines. But it’s the ethos of the second group, the "engineers,‘’ that dominates today’s AI establishment. It’s their accomplishments that have allowed AI to shed its reputation as a "scientific con game’’ (Business Week) and to become as it was recently described in Fortune magazine, the "biggest technology craze since genetic engineering.‘’

    The engineers like to bask in the reflected glory of the AI scientists, but they tend to be practical men, well-schooled in the priorities of economic society. They too worship at the church of machine intelligence, but only on Sundays. During the week, they work the rich lodes of "expert systems’’ technology, building systems without claims to consciousness, but able to simulate human skills in economically significant, knowledge-based occupations (The AI market is now expected to reach $2.8 billion by 1990. AI stocks are growing at an annual rate of 30@5).


    All Processed World issues on archive.org https://archive.org/search?query=creator%3A"Processed+World+Collective"&and[]=mediatype%3A"texts"

    and the official Processed World site with html archive https://processedworld.com