Nahh, you need leverage to be able to extort someone. Smith has fuck all to pressure the rest of the country with, all she can do is keep making things worse for us in Alberta.
Nahh, you need leverage to be able to extort someone. Smith has fuck all to pressure the rest of the country with, all she can do is keep making things worse for us in Alberta.
As an Albertan, I fail to see see what leverage she thinks she has here. Our province consistently votes conservative regardless of how many bones the Liberals are throwing us (ex, buying a pipeline to ensure it gets constructed when the owner backs out) or how much the Conservatives ignore us.
Leaving Canada to either form an independent nation or join the US are both wildly unpopular, and there’s nothing she can say that’ll drum up enough support for either to occur. If she decides to “turn off the taps,” her O&G overlords will punish her.
Like many of the dipshits making good money with little to no education in this province, she has a wildly inflated sense of our importance and value.
Diaper Don is further gone than Old Yeller was when his owner took him back behind the shed. Just sayin’
Lanchbery wrote. “Although I found the general damages to be minimal, Ms. Choiselat’s actions require me to award Mr. Kinnarath aggravated damages for her conduct.”
Lanchbery also said the evidence presented by Kinnarath shows that he suffered minimal damage from Choiselat’s posts, which is why he awarded the activist “nominal” damages and did not issue any punitive damages.
That’s fucking stupid. Punitive penalties should be steep enough to act as a deterrent, not merely based on what the judge perceives as the actual amount of harm to the victim’s reputation.
Given how much this has been happening already, I’m honestly kind of shocked we haven’t started hearing about ICE agents dying during arrests.
Fuck Joe Rogan, period.
It’s a reference to an article about the hypocrisy and double standards right wingers have over abortions.
How fucking stupid are Trump voters?
The most accurate response to this question is “Yes.”
It’s never not projection with them.
They should be removed from society.
[Trump wrote] “The necessary Pardoning Documents were not explained to, or approved by, Biden.”
“Not explained to.”
Dipshit is really telling on himself here that actually reading an EO didn’t even occur to him, he relies on others to dumb them down for him.
Geez, you really couldn’t even read past the title, eh?
I don’t think it’s a cognitive bias preventing them from accurately assessing risk for a lot of these people. Based on some I’ve interacted with, they don’t care about how much pain they experience as long as the other side feels it worse.
Others are just pure contrarians who don’t put any thought into it beyond “If the radical leftist blue hairs don’t want it, it’s probably a good thing.”
Putin also outlined some of his questions over how a ceasefire would work. He asked: "How will those 30 days be used? For Ukraine to mobilise? Rearm? Train people? Or none of that? Then a question - how will that be controlled?
“Who will give the order to end the fighting? At what cost? Who decides who has broken any possible ceasefire, over 2,000km? All those questions need meticulous work from both sides. Who polices it?”
Putin’s worried Ukraine will do everything he’s planning to do.
Better title: “Molson-Coors is worried customers will stop drinking mass produced pisswater if they have more options available from the rest of the country.”
A brewery making quality products would welcome gaining access to a larger market.
Step 1: label every Palestinian, as well as foreign aid workers in Palestine, as “Hamas”
Step 2: kill civilians indiscriminately (or even intentionally in many cases)
Step 3: survivors who lost family and friends are likelier to join Hamas, thus “proving” the claim in Step 1
Step 4: repeat until genocide accomplished
Fuck Israel.
So is Trump about to Find Out™ what happens when you ignore a court order, or is the rest of America gonna see him face absolutely no consequences for this?
It’s fucking disgusting how the ADL has embraced the Zionist narrative that any criticism of Israel and their ongoing war crimes is antisemitic.
Pretty fuckin’ weird to me how much these people think about what consenting adults are doing with their genitals in private…
Wayne hasn’t had “class” for a while, but especially not in the past few months.