A website I used to work for did this as a matter of course whenever. New movie trailer dropped, because it would convince people on Twitter to click through to the site.
A website I used to work for did this as a matter of course whenever. New movie trailer dropped, because it would convince people on Twitter to click through to the site.
Alan Cumming is one. Also Parker Posey who shared a bunch of scenes with him in Josie and the Pussycats.
Enrico Colantoni for sure.
Kim Dickens, Judy Greer, John Turturro.
The new one does Daredevil instead…
Welp, it was fun while it lasted.
An upcoming comic book called The Goddamned Tragedy is going to do a fixtionalized version of this.
This is pretty much exactly where I would exact an arty, anticapitalist lark of a movie to land. Anyone thinking this would do much more than $40m globally this weekend was probably fooling themselves.
I love that. I get a huge dopamine hit from the novelty of seeing a new (or rare) song performed…but then I tend to obsess on a few acts rather than having a lot of bands I might go see.
What an absolute piece of Shit. I can’t wait for somebody to cave in that pumpkin.
Currently rereading Mary Tyler Moorehawk by Dave Baker
What a bullshit headline. That’s embarrassing.
It’s fucking toast
I haven’t seen that Adbusters flag in YEARS. I used to have one hanging in my trailer in college!
I’m glad everybody was ok, especially since the actual image of the fully-upside-down plane is so cool and I would feel bad enjoying it otherwise.
Since Trump is entirely ignorant of history, I wonder how he thinks Napoleon’s story ended.
I have zero interest in hearing about “activist judges” from the party that gamed the system to stack the Supreme Court with literal activists rather than serious jurists.
If they were capable of learning anything, I suspect the first four years of this fuckstick as president would have taught them…