You make good points. I hope you are right about universal healthcare but I’m not holding my breath on that one
You make good points. I hope you are right about universal healthcare but I’m not holding my breath on that one
I can barely listen to Linkin Park or Soundgarden/Audioslave without getting sad. I remember exactly where I was when Cobain died, that shook my teenage ass hard for a while. Nothing like Chester and Chris though, probably because I’m around the same age as them and like them have chronic depression.
I can’t tell if they’re joking or are dead serious anymore.
I have a mental illness – 2 of them actually, Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Possibly will get PTSD thrown in that mix soon too. Therapists and Psychiatrists use a little book called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-5 for short. Unless they can convince the APA to include TDS in the DSM-6 then it’s not a mental illness.
This is nothing but thought policing and a way to label someone with mental illness when they really don’t have one. It’s also causing all of the work that’s been done recently by NAMI, MHA, and AFSP to try to end the stigma surrounding mental illness to be set back to the era of mental institutions (something that their beloved Reagan did away with).
But what the hell, might as well add it to the DSM-6 and slap TDS on top of all my other mental illnesses 🤷🏻♂️
Red states won’t because MAGA
Blue states don’t want to risk loosing anymore funding
So I’m not so sure this is actually a Science Meme other than proving that sometimes history does repeat itself?
I was skeptical that this was actually real, but it is indeed on the NYT website and the image was taken from their “Timeline view”
I’m a white middle-aged male on SSDI, Medicaid/Medicare, and renting a HUD apartment. The only thing going for me right now is I’m heterosexual. As a member of Elon’s “parasite” class, I’m figuring I’ll be homeless or in a “camp” in an unknown location within 3 - 6 months – if not sooner.
Totally not freaking the fuck out. Nope, not one bit. /s
Anyone saying “they’ll never do it because they don’t want to piss off voters” is missing the real issue and makes the same mistake congressional Dems are. They are assuming we will have fair and free elections in the future.
At the speed with which the chainsaw is moving through federal government institutions, they know they don’t have to worry about elections or voters anymore because we won’t have a republic when they’re done.
Maybe I’m biased because of my reliance on the social safety net completely due to being disabled and have been called a parasite by the richest man on Earth wielding the chainsaw. I’m staring at more carnage occurring at SSA, Medicaid, and HUD all at the same time and wondering how I’ll survive even if one of those gets pulled away from me —let alone all 3.
As a middle-aged man I can barely walk, let alone be trusted on a skateboard 😆
Not surprising sadly. This is the same man that labeled people relying on the government for a safety net to fucking live parasites.
I am one of those people that is part of the parasite class. I look forward to being able to get teamed up with a doggo in the camp. That actually kinda makes me feel a little better if that would happen actually.
What a freaking shitshow.
This is the universe trolling us for the destruction we’ve done to our planet the last 100-200 years, right? I mean there’s no other logical explanation for what I just read if everything in that article is true.
Wait…what if I can see it as the end? Do I get to ditch my cane? Or do I need to get a dog to go with the cane now?
I am an Independent and think both sides suck on the whole political spectrum in this country. I’m also from NY and both of my Democratic senators voted to pass this blank check to Trump and Elon.
The Democrats have gone about dealing with Trump and his disciples in Congress the completely wrong way from day one. They try to be civil and favor the traditional ways of solving things in Congress. They have basically been bringing a pink plastic toy baseball bat to a gun fight this whole time that Trump has been in office this term.
And because of that, here we were with 2 horrible choices for them. But one choice would have shown that they had enough of the B.S. and had some kind of a spine. The “right” thing for Chuckie to do was to be united and stand firm that they wouldn’t approve this CR and force a shut down unless they had a say in some of the solutions in the bill. Pain was coming either way, why not go down fighting and show that you were on the right side of history?
Given the past month and a half (holy shit it feels like it’s been a decade) and the track record of Elon and Trump so far, I am very afraid of what is coming in the next month and a half – let alone when this budget fight resumes in September.
I just got an HDHomeRun that I use with an antenna and love it. I use Mac and they are one of the only boxes that works on Mac.
They don’t have a native Linux client, but you can use VLC supposedly: https://info.hdhomerun.com/info/linux