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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • Dude didn’t think the flu was dangerous

    Oh yeah, champ? Why don’t you quote for the class, to illustrate your point? Nobody said that, you said they said that. And you want an apology from me? Fucking lol. I’d give you basic reading comprehension skills instead, but such miracles are beyond my powers.

    COVID wasn’t novel in 2022, and it still killed 267,000 people. Meanwhile you keep equating it to a virus that killed 608 in that time span. Bud, I don’t know how to explain that those zeroes on the end are important. More number mean bigger number. Bigger death == worse, yes? Yes.

    You’re one of those dangerous cunts who knows how to speak with authority and spouts nothing but bollocks, like this:

    and now we can’t do the “more or less dangerous” science in a simple statistical manner.

    That’s a load of wank if ever I’ve heard one; of course we can compare them. COVID is about 439 times deadlier than the flu, in addition to causing an increased rate of post-infection complications and illnesses compared to other respiratory illnesses.

    If this is your best, it isn’t remotely good enough. Try putting some effort in.

  • You do know we can spot non-sequiturs, and that they make you look stupid, right? You did that because you don’t have an answer, so you just twisted their words in a weak attempt to mock them.

    COVID causes long COVID. I’ve never heard of “long flu” because it doesn’t exist. As far as actual death goes, the flu killed 608 people in 2022. COVID killed OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION in the same time period. Two hundred and sixty seven thousand of my countrymen. You fucking clown.

  • By not voting, you’re abdicating your chance to vote against the destruction of the country. If a Republican wins and does what they’re promising, tens of millions of people will suffer in all sorts of ways, a full spectrum of ouch. A painbow, so to speak. COVID alone killed over a million people here when Trump was president, nevermind his disastrous impact on the country as a whole or his foreign policy (mostly because numbers are hard to come by for the Kurds and Afghanis we abandoned, but go ahead and get opinions on how the Taliban has been running the place).

    If you don’t vote, the suffering and death is partially on you, because you could have tried to stop it. That’s the immoral act, regardless of how you feel about the system itself. Hold your nose if you have to, and do it.

  • dorkian_gray@lemmy.worldtoRelationship Advice@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    I didn’t see anyone else mention, so I may as well. Have you guys considered opening up the relationship? I know from personal experience that it can be hard, and you’ll have to be extra present for her since it would probably be you going out to get your needs met, but if the sex is the only roadblock then statistically it’ll only be a “problem” on your end for a few more years.

    The terms can be whatever you both agree on. If she’s not strictly heterosexual, she may be open to both of you dating another girl that you both like. This kind of “stable polycule” has always been my preferred structure, but if that’s not an option then maybe she can find her way to being alright with some other arrangement that allows you the freedom to get your needs met, without risk of her getting jealous.

    I really hope you guys do find a way forward through this, your relationships sounds very healthy and fulfilling otherwise, and it’s clear you both care about each other very deeply. If you can’t, remember that you don’t need her to have done anything “wrong” to break up with her. Simply not being compatible in such an important way, and not being able to find a way around that incompatibility, is reason enough.

  • That’s a fair critique of Kenshi, yeah 😂 I have a soft spot for it because I started following it back in, like, 2011, when Chris was the sole dev and didn’t even want to do a Kickstarter for it. It’s up there with Grim Dawn amongst the greatest success stories of games I’ve backed (it’s quite a short list lol). I’m hoping Kenshi 2 will fix a lot of the jank and bugs from the first one, since it’ll have foundations built by a team instead of having to deal with a legacy “good enough” codebase.

    Star Sector is indeed a bit tough to get into, and I still don’t like actively piloting ships. This might be attributable to inputs: I’ve got a Kinesis Advantage II ergo keyboard, which is stupid comfortable for 14-hour stretches of typing, but means I have to remap every single key in every single game I want to start playing. What keeps me playing is the sheer amount of community-made content available, which adds a lot of replayability in the form of new ships, weapons, factions, and questlines. Also Nexerelin, which adds a lot of 4X elements, changes the gameplay significantly.

    I was looking at Cosmoteer just recently, funnily enough! I was thinking about buying it, but my brain actually used the meme on me:

    We have Cosmoteer at home

    I’ve just pulled up the store page again, will probably watch some more recent Let’s Plays to get a better idea of the experience.

    How about Avorion? I like what I’ve played, I just suck at building and haven’t put in the time to learn it any better, but it has heaps of good reviews.

  • What’s your jank tolerance like? If “moderate to high”, Mount & Blade or Outward might scratch the itch for you. If you’re up for post apocalyptic ronin shenanigans with more of a strategy feel, Kenshi might be enjoyable. Technically, Noita is an open-world fantasy game. It’s really hard (I’m really bad), but I love it nonetheless.

    Going more mainstream there’s shedloads of mods for classics like Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim to update graphics, mechanics, or just new content. Witcher 3 is still really good, too.