• 3 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 21st, 2024


  • Ironically, what the Nazis did in the extermination camps was mass executions, i.e. the very thing anon finds wasteful.

    The Extermination Camps only served the purpose so exterminate people(couldn’t have guessed). After 1942 however, Concentration Camps were used to produce stuff and to lend the prisoners to other businesses. Before 1942 Concentration camps were exactly what Anon described. Treat your prisoners poorly, so they die.

  • I think we must change the way we see AI. A lot of people see it as the holy grail of everything that can do everything we can do, even tho it can’t. AI is a tool for humans to become more efficient in their work. It can do easy tasks for you and sometimes Assist you with harder stuff. It is the same as with Mathematicians and calculators. A good mathematician is able to calculate everytheverything he needs without a calculator, but the calculator makes him much more efficient at calculating stuff. The calculator didn’t replace mathematicians, because you still have to know how to do the stiff you’re doing.