
  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I know you are not suggesting that seriously, but if we were to consider that seriously, I don’t think it would work.
    Palestine (and more concretely Jerusalem) is considered the Holy Land by Judaism, Islam and Christianity. That’s why the state of Israel was created there and not somewhere else. And that’s why Palestinians wouldn’t receive with a lot of enthusiasm the idea of being given a state of their own somewhere else.
    A big part of the conflict is a “holy war” thing about who controls the Holy Land.

  • It seems you are confusing strictly necessary cookies with legitimate interest cookies, which are different things:

    It would help to clarify in the post that you’re interested in the legal aspects for the EU under the GDPR.

    I had added the #GDPR tag to the question and, as far as I know, GDPR is the only regulation that requires a cookie consent banner and mentions legitimate interest cookies, but I may be wrong on that as I don’t know all the regulations around the world 😃 (and California tends to follow EU’s stances on these matters, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they were baking something similar to the GDPR if they don’t have it yet).

    But yeah, you are right, people from many different places around the world could be reading the question, so I must have been clear that this is specific to some local regulation. I edited the post.

  • Another Spaniard here, for the record.

    I wouldn’t say it’s like Palestine, there are relevant differences between both cases. The basis of the Palestinian conflict and the reason why two states were created were mostly religious and ethnic. I don’t think any of that plays a significant role in the Saharan case and it’s all down to Moroccan expansionism and access to oil reserves in the Saharan sea.
    In the Palestinian case, it was a former British colony that was being decolonized and tensions between two communities living in that territory led to the current situation. I’m not going into the details because it would be too long, you can just go to Wikipedia.
    In the Saharan case, it was a Spanish former colony which, in the process of being decolonized, was invaded by a neighbouring country for political and economic reasons.

    You are basically saying Western Sahara ended up in this situation because Spain abandoned it unattending the UN’s mandate to decolonize it.
    Spain was indeed attending the UN’s mandate to decolonize it as it did with Equatorial Guinea a few years before, which is an independent country nowadays. But both Mauritania and Morocco had aspirations on Western Sahara and wouldn’t accept an independent Sahara, so taking advantage of one moment of political weakness in Spain with the dictator retired to die, Morocco invaded Western Sahara and mainland Spain was more concerned about their internal issues and was not in the position to defend the Sahara against Moroccan invasion.

    Mauritania eventually gave up on their aspirations on Sahara and that’s how we ended up in the current situation with a Morocco-occupied Sahara with a self-proclaimed government that fights back against the occupation with very little support (other than Algeria) because Morocco has much stronger diplomatic ties.

    The current situation, de jure, is that Western Sahara is a Spanish former colony in the process of being decolonized.
    But de facto, it’s a territory governed by Morocco and disputed with the Polisario Front, which was already fighting against Spanish occupation before Moroccan one and has declared an independent Republic which has very little recognition.
    De jure, Spain would be continuing the decolonization process, but that’s not realistic when the territory has been occupied by Morocco for half a century.

    It’s true, however, that this is not an issue that raises a lot of interest currently in Spain for anything else than playing internal politics.
    Also, Morocco and Spain have a lot of common interests so Spain is very careful to not upset Morocco with this topic. On the other hand, Algeria is the biggest supporter of the Polisarian cause and another Spanish strategic ally and probably the reason why Spain hasn’t fully abandoned yet the Saharan cause. So Spain usually tries to play a low profile on this trying to balance their position between not upsetting Morocco and not upsetting Algeria.

    For more details, Wikipedia is still your friend:

    And the former Spanish king being a CIA agent? Yeah, I don’t think it’s even worth to add any comment to that.

    And, of course, when I say “Spain”, “Morocco”, “Algeria”, etc., I am referring to the regime that ruled the country at that moment.
    I’m not trying to imply that every Moroccan or Algerian is responsible for what their rulers do the same way that a lot of Spaniards were not Franco supporters by that time.

  • LGBTQ+ and labour laws are very different across countries, so it’s very difficult to talk generally about how this works without being specific to some country.

    I will talk about Spain because there’s where I am from and where I worked most of the time.
    You generally just cannot fire someone for arbitrary reasons before their contract comes to an end. You really have to justify why you need to fire that person, like having several poor performance reviews against them. Otherwise, you may risk having your firing judged as “unjustified” and having to pay that person a big compensation or even the firing being judged as void and having to readmit them to the position you fired them from.
    No matter whether they are cis, gay, straight, man, woman, POC or whatever, you just cannot fire someone without a valid reason unless their contract has come to an end and you don’t renew it, that’s basically it.

    So could someone argue that your sexual orientation or gender identity is a valid reason to fire you because being gay doesn’t fit within their company culture or having trans people may cause them an image problem?

    No, article 4.2.c of the Worker’s Statute says you cannot be discrimanted for employment based on sexual orientation or gender identity, among other criteria like ethnicity, age, union membership, etc.
    So you couldn’t be fired for being either gay or straight, man or woman, cis or trans, etc. Nothing of that is a valid reason to be fired.

  • I had the opposite argument with one Indian guy when I was living in the UK.
    He was saying what people speak in countries like Mexico, Argentina, etc. cannot be called Spanish because they are not from Spain and instead they speak Mexican, Argentinian…
    I told him what they speak in those countries is still Spanish the same way that what they speak in the US is English even when they are not in England. He replied that what they speak in America is not English either but American instead.
    Then I realized how stubborn he was in his wrongness and just gave up.